#the witch x the devil
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I love Millory and Michael x Cordelia, because both ships play perfectly into one of my favorite dynamics - the only man worthy of the witch's heart is the Devil.
#diary pages#ahs#ahs fandom#american horror story#millory#michael langdon x mallory#michael langdon x cordelia goode#the witch x the devil#ahs fanfiction#writing journal#tropes#romance tropes#i'm lithuanian and the witch being maried to the devil is very prevalent in our folktales#we know what's great alright#it's one of my favorite dynamics ever#and it makes perfect sense
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shes like shadow the hedgehog but for girls
#homura akemi#pmmm homura#devil homura#madoka x homura#puella magi madoka magica#mahou shoujo madoka magica#madoka kaname#madoka magica rebellion#madoka rebellion#madoka magica witch#magical girl#shadow the hedgehog#girls
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imagine mirandy in a fantasy au
i mean, what if the queen falls in love with the witch?
#mirandy#miranda x andrea#miranda priestly#andy sachs#andrea sachs#miranda priestly andrea sachs#the devil wears prada#devil wears prada#white queen#witch#au#mirana#alice in wonderland#into the woods
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"Good Morning, Farmer! Sleep well? Regardless, no better way to start your day off than with some freshly made orange juice :).... Have I seen who? I don't know anybody with that name, but if I find them you'll be the first person I tell."
Orange of Farmer Witch Reader's Crop Hybrid Yans (He/Him). A kind citrus guy if not a little clumsy. The only thing he can do with zero mistakes at all is preparing his farmer a glass of refreshing orange juice
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⤷ ❝DEVILISH❞ — jjk (s.m)
⤷ Especial de Halloween 🎃 | Devilish Tráiler 🎃
➤ Pareja: jungkook!demonio x lectora!fem
➤ Recuento de palabras: 10.6k
➤ Género: smut y obscenidad!
➤ Resumen: Al demonio Jeon Jungkook le encantaba arruinar cosas demasiado inocentes, así que andaba vagando por la tierra en busca de la inocencia pura para corromperla, que casualidad que esa inocencia la haya encontrado en ti.
➤ Advertencias: 20+ | lenguaje maduro y explícito | Jungkook es un íncubo de demonio | deseo de corromper la inocencia | temas religiosos | mucha manipulación por parte de Jungkook | la lectora es demasiado tímida en cuanto a su placer | charla sucia | masturbación | palabras ofensivas | halagos y bromas durante el sexo | sexo oral (r. lectora/Jungkook) | juego y estimulación del clítoris | mucha sobreestimulación | lágrimas | nalgadas | jalar del cabello | sexo duro | sexo sin protección | mención de cantidades obscenas de semen | Jungkook es un demonio y tiene un gran pene!
➤ Si no eres mayor de 18 años, POR FAVOR, no leas. Si lo haces es bajo tu propia responsabilidad, ten en cuenta las advertencias.
➤ Devilish Tráiler
♥︎ softpxachy's
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❛Ella era una santa, y aún así, había un poco de perversidad en sus ojos de ángel.❜
Jungkook siempre había tenido cierta preferencia por los inocentes.
No era algo que él hubiera cultivado a propósito, no, simplemente comenzó a mostrarse un patrón extraño y repetitivo que Jungkook no podía definir del todo.
Todo lo que sabía era que la inocencia era especialmente divertida de romper, de manchar con su toque perverso, de ver cómo se desmoronaba en un caparazón vacío de lo que alguna vez fue.
Y la estuvo buscando por tanto tiempo, esa inexperiencia, esa confusión angelical, con un hambre atronadora, sólo para terminar hundiendo los dientes en su presa con un deleite inigualable una vez que la encontraba.
Paradójicamente, a Jungkook no le gustaban tanto las vírgenes. Extraño, lo sabía. Pero las vírgenes le daban demasiado trabajo, lo que al final no era tan fructífero como a él le gustaba; se dió cuenta de que la mayoría de los humanos no estaban muy interesados en perder su virginidad con un demonio y, bueno, no era porque alguien que fuera virgen significaba que también era inocente, eso lo sabía.
Y esa siempre fue su prioridad, al final de todo.
La verdadera inocencia era difícil de encontrar, y esa era la parte más frustrante de toda la ecuación. A lo largo de todos sus años vagando por la tierra en busca de almas para corromper, Jungkook pensó que podía haber encontrado esa marca especial de pureza solo un puñado de veces. Sin embargo, era tan inmaculado, tan embriagador, que era todo en lo que podía pensar.
Entonces, cuando finalmente te encontró, pensó que estaba a punto de volverse loco.
De vez en cuando, el universo cambiaba de tal manera que todo encajaba en su lugar. Cómo ser inmortal, Jungkook vió que eso sucedía una y otra vez: imperios que se elevaban y caían, almas gemelas que se encontraban por casualidad, y que la cura de una enfermedad horrible se descubría por accidente. Y fue esa misma energía incidental, probablemente catalizada por su voraz deseo, la que lo llevó directamente a tu casa.
Bueno, quizás no había sido tan poético. Pero decir que los adolescentes rebeldes que tenían una fiesta de pijamas en el piso de arriba lo habían invocado por error a tu complejo de apartamentos no tendría exactamente el mismo impacto.
Pero a pesar de eso Jungkook nunca fue alguien que mordiera la mano que lo alimentaba; como una criatura de las sombras, tenía que existir como un alimentador inferior, recibiendo lo que el universo había dado y convirtiéndolo en algo que pudiera usar con gusto.
Incluso si se había sentido frustrado por todo el fiasco de la ouija; encender y apagar las luces y levitar vasos de agua no eran precisamente sus pasatiempos favoritos que digamos, prácticamente tardó unos dos segundos en detectar el dulce y afrodisíaco aroma de un alma inmaculada que lo llamaba. Y estaba cerca. Muy cerca.
En pocas palabras, los adolescentes terminaron teniendo una conversación espiritual muy decepcionante con una entidad tramposa que Jungkook puso como remplazo antes de ser llevado directamente hasta su comida favorita. Y esa había sido una completa victoria en su libro.
El demonio quería tenerte desde el primer segundo en que te vio. Jungkook se hundió instantáneamente en tu alma como si se tratara de un horno calentando la totalidad de su cuerpo; un hermoso resplandor blanco, el color dorado que emanaba de tu piel y el adorable brillo de ingenuidad en tus ojos lo tentaban a alimentarse tanto de ti como si se tratara de una sirena llamando a un marinero solitario.
No tenía ninguna duda de que finalmente había encontrado lo que tanto había estado buscando todo este tiempo, alguien tan delicado y puro que adoraría ver derrumbarse por completo a él, y Jungkook realmente quería arruinar esa bonita alma tuya.
Y qué alma tan bonita tenías. Jungkook se quedó ahí contigo sólo para descubrir que sus primeras impresiones de ti, independientemente de lo fascinantes que ya habían sido desde el primer segundo, eran solo la punta del iceberg: el demonio te veía convertirte en todo un desastre abrumado y jadeante cada vez que uno de tus amigos comenzaba a hablar sobre sexo; le sorprendió bastante descubrir que luchabas mentalmente con tus impulsos de deseo y que te acostabas frustrada todas las noches porque pensabas que era algo demasiado sucio masturbarte porque simplemente te sentías avergonzada, e incluso abrumada, ante la simple idea de tu propio placer.
Ese solo pensamiento lo hizo salivar.
Jungkook sabía que no eras virgen, eran imposibles de pasar por alto, y por eso no podía entender el por qué de tu vacilación y vergüenza cuando se trataban de esos temas. No había notado ningún rastro de culpa religiosa o algo por el estilo, no creía que tus padres fueran especialmente sobreprotectores.
Era solo que eras tan... tímida.
Y eventualmente se dió cuenta de que eras un hallazgo exquisito, el más grande de todos, una cosita perfecta creada sólo para que él la destruyera; un humano tan tímido con moral pura y deseos reprimidos. Eras demasiado buena para ser verdad. Hecha a mano única y exclusivamente para él.
Y por eso Jungkook decidió esperar. Se contuvo durante mucho tiempo, observándote de cerca, aprendiendo todo lo que podía de ti y pensando en cómo procedería con sus diabólicos planes antes de, finalmente, decidir que era hora de presentarse ante ti. La parte más desagradable de todo este proceso, independientemente de la persona con la que estuviera tratando, dar una buena primera impresión siendo un demonio a menudo no iba tan bien como cualquiera esperaría.
Sí, gritaste, maldijiste y lloraste desde el primer momento en que estuvo frente a ti en su forma natural. Sí, te arrodillaste en una esquina y rezaste durante dos horas seguidas con el rosario de tu abuela en manos. Sí, incluso trajiste a un sacerdote para exorcizar todo el lugar, sólo logrando que el demonio sintiera un poco de náuseas durante unos tres días, pero Jungkook realmente pensó que todo el calvario fue lo suficientemente bien a lo que esperaba. Él había tenido peores experiencias en el pasado y sabía que después de un tiempo, eventualmente te adaptarías a su presencia. Y tal como esperaba, fuiste lo suficientemente pura como para intentar verle algún tipo de salvación. Fue casi lindo.
Parecía como si de alguna forma pensaras que Jungkook era una especie de prueba religiosa, tal vez un alma perdida en busca de orientación. Fuera lo que fuera, le abrió una puerta para que se instalara dentro de tu casa en una base de cautelosa confianza en la que podía pararse sin peligro alguno.
Para ser justos, él tuvo la culpa de eso ya que instigó un poco ese proceso. Jungkook a lo largo de todos los siglos que llevaba habitando en la tierra había aprendido que a veces una ofrenda de paz era suficiente para hacer que alguien creyera en él, y no dudó en aprovechar eso contigo. Él sabía que sólo necesitabas un pequeño empujón.
— Me iré si es lo que quieres, cariño.
Te había dicho durante una noche particularmente tormentosa, apoyado contra la encimera de la cocina con total indiferencia. Un vaso de vidrio se había esparcido por todas las baldosas de madera después de que él te sorprendiera con su materialización aleatoria, y estabas demasiado asustada para pasar por encima del vidrio roto y correr a encerrarte en tu habitación.
— Pero hablemos un rato. Soy un demonio, pero no soy malvado. No estoy aquí para robarte el alma o algo así.
Lo cual era completamente falso, sobretodo lo de la parte del alma, esa no era su especialidad, pero dudaba que siquiera te importara ya que a los humanos les encantaba escuchar bonitas mentiras para poder consolarse con ellas. Querías ver algo de bondad en él, eso era todo lo que necesitabas para poder encontrarle sentido a toda la situación y al por qué estaba ahí contigo, y una solicitud de tu consentimiento parecía ser suficiente.
Además, Jungkook no era un tonto cuando se trataba de sus ventajas demoníacas: sabía lo que era, sabía que su imagen cambiaba constantemente, reflejando a la pareja ideal de uno. No sabía qué rostro veías ni la voz que oías, pero sabía perfectamente que era tentador, demasiado, sabía que te enamorarías de él y de su imagen. Después de todo, él fue creado para eso, para ser moldeado según los deseos más íntimos de las personas, y vaya que le funcionaba bastante bien.
Así que no se sorprendió cuando aceptaste unirte a él en un diálogo inofensivo, una pequeña charla tonta no podría ser un problema, ¿verdad? No era como si fueras a vender tu alma por un saco de papas fritas por error o algo así, ¿verdad?
Y de hecho, la pequeña plática había estado bien. Bueno, más o menos.
Incluso si todavía desconfiabas de Jungkook y sus travesuras demoníacas, porque como si hubiera sido por arte de magia; te habías olvidado de ese pequeño detalle tan importante e inhumano, gradualmente le permitías entrar en tu vida cada vez más, abriendo la brecha en tu mente y dándole paso libre a que comenzara a hacer lo que quisiera contigo.
Llegó un punto en el que básicamente estaba conviviendo contigo, apareciendo en el momento más aleatorio del día para molestarte durante una reunión de trabajo o soltando burlones comentarios sobre los horribles chicos que veías todos los sábados por la noche. Jungkook se fue convirtiendo en una agradable conversación durante el desayuno y una sesión de chismes a altas horas de la noche después de haber pasado todo el día espiando a tus ruidosos vecinos. Fue divertido. Él era amable. Parecía que le importaba, como si estuviera tratando de hacer su presencia mucho mejor a como fue al principio.
Gran error; empezaste a confiar en él y a quererlo allí contigo. Y eso le permitió moverse hacia las partes más… interesantes de su plan.
Los sueños eróticos y las fantasías sexuales que Jungkook ponía en tu mente muy a menudo eran demasiado, te despertaban con una gran mancha de humedad en tus bragas y un dolor insoportable entre las piernas.
Gimoteaste mientras dormías y buscaste a tientas en la cama algo con lo que calmar tu calor hasta que finalmente te despertabas sin aliento, tirando de las sábanas mientras tratabas de ignorar esos impulsos carnales. Las imágenes eran tan vívidas, los toques aún perduraban en tu piel y el placer de los actos con los que habías soñado aún florecía dentro de tu abdomen y era increíblemente difícil dejarlo ir. La idea de hundir tu mano debajo de tu ropa interior y lidiar con esa frustración acumulada se volvió cada vez más tentadora cada noche.
Pero no. No podías permitirte hacerlo. No sabiendo que era Jungkook el único causante de todo esto.
Durante los primeros días te las arreglaste para ignorarlo y seguir adelante con tu rutina y tratar de eliminar todas esas sensaciones e imágenes en los rincones más oscuros de tu mente para no tener que pensar más en ellas. Sin embargo, se hizo cada vez más difícil dejarlos ir y, en contra de todas las fibras de tu moral, eventualmente todas las noches te encontrabas con ganas de querer quedarte dormida solo para poder experimentar ese placer abrumador de nuevo, aunque solo fuera en tus sueños.
Lo dejaste a un lado todo lo que pudiste, hasta que simplemente fue demasiado. El deseo te consumió por completo hasta que no quedaba nada para mantenerlo unido. Y finalmente cediste.
Fue algo magnífico, ver cómo esas primeras grietas en tu inocencia se iban formando. La vergüenza que impregnó tus rasgos cuando finalmente te diste cuenta de que estabas demasiado caliente para pensar correctamente, el aleteo de tus pestañas cuando dejaste que tus dedos jugaran con tu clítoris como si estuvieras descubriendo tu placer por primera vez.
Noche tras noche, Jungkook se escondía en las sombras de tu habitación y te veía llorar y gemir mientras te masturbabas de una forma tan hermosa que nunca antes había visto, con tu mano viajando hacia tu boca cada vez que te atrevías a hacer un sonido fuerte; era como si temieras que alguno de tus vecinos pudiera escucharte jugando contigo misma, como si no quisieras que la gente supiera que estabas haciendo algo tan sucio. Casi parecías culpable, Jungkook notó como tu entrecejo estaba fruncido y tus bonitos ojos estaban cubiertos por un fino velo de lágrimas, y le encantó, quería llevar esa imagen tuya en tu punto de placer por toda la eternidad.
Tu agonizante autocomplacencia hizo que cada jodido segundo que había esperado valiera la pena.
Pero en el momento en que bajabas de tu euforia, incluso a veces después de que te permitias tu segundo o tercer orgasmo consecutivo, todo se había ido, y él siempre se quedaba con un hambre aún más fuerte por tenerte.
Sin embargo, Jungkook fue paciente.
Quería verte romperte por completo antes de poder probar tu sabor; quería que le suplicaras que te tocara en lugar de que él te pidiera permiso. Así que siguió adelante con su pequeño juego: si todo salía como debía, serías tú quien suplicaría más al final, hundiéndote en tu propia perdición sin siquiera darte cuenta del lío que estabas creando.
Y por supuesto que todo sucedió como él quería.
Te tomó algunas semanas más reunir el valor para enfrentarte a él, pero llegaste a un punto en el que simplemente no pudiste reprimirlo más.
— Sé lo que estás haciendo.— Le dijiste con severidad, entrando en la sala de estar con los brazos cruzados sobre tu pecho y con la respiración acelerada.
Era una brillante mañana de verano y los pájaros cantaban afuera, la dorada luz del sol se detuvo repentinamente cuando encontraste la figura oscura y melancólica en tu apartamento. Entonces, solo estaban las sombras de su presencia y el nefasto brillo anaranjado en sus ojos. Siempre se veía así, como si estuviera viviendo en una dimensión propia, eligiendo ser afectado por (o afectar) el mundo material o no. Jungkook realmente era un ser de otro mundo, tan peligrosamente cerca de un ángel pero tan lejos de serlo.
El demonio sólo tarareó ante tus palabras, tirado en tu sofá como si se lo debiera. Llevaba una bata de satén roja esa mañana, abierta hasta por encima de su abdomen; dejando a la vista la piel caramelo de su pecho musculoso, y juraste que tu mente se quedó en blanco por un segundo.
— ¿Haciendo qué, cariño? — Jungkook respondió con los ojos enfocados en el libro que tenía en la mano acerca de una extraña teoría humana sobre la sexualidad que le pareció increíblemente divertida.— Tienes que ser más específica, hago muchas cosas en mi tiempo libre.
Suspiraste profundamente, claramente molesta y Jungkook pensó que olías particularmente delicioso ésta mañana, notó rastros de tu humedad aún adheridos a tu ropa interior, y tuvo que reprimir un gruñido de su garganta; actuar sin ser afectado a veces le era realmente difícil.
— Sabes de lo que estoy hablando.— Dijiste sin titubeos, Jungkook adoraba lo directa que te habías vuelto, evitando esas oraciones tartamudeantes que solías lanzar en su camino. Después de todo, estabas acostumbrada a él. Había hecho un gran trabajo derribando tus defensas.— Estás poniendo estos... pensamientos en mi cabeza. Y haciéndome soñar cosas…
Directo, pensó, pero todavía eras incapaz de hablar abiertamente sobre temas tan lascivos. Después de todo, todo lo que había logrado había sido un proceso gradual.
Jungkook enarcó una ceja, pero no apartó la mirada de la página del libro; ese hombre, Freud, era muy gracioso.— ¿Qué pensamientos, cariño?
Pusiste los ojos en blanco ante su actitud, pero el calor en tus mejillas delataba tu vergüenza. Jungkook sabía que no lo dirías, solo quería verte luchar con la simple idea de hacerlo.
— Ya sabes cuáles, Jungkook.— Otra respiración pesada te dejó y de repente estabas perdiendo la calma.— Lo estás haciendo a propósito.
— A lo mejor sí lo estoy haciendo.— Jungkook levantó la mirada del libro y te miró fijamente, tus hombros cayeron y todo el vigor abandonó tu cuerpo una vez que lo miraste a los ojos.
Era su apariencia, su aura, la chispa amenazante en su mirada crepuscular: todo te golpeó de una vez, en una solicitud silenciosa para que fueras un buen humano y revisaras tu postura a su alrededor.
— O tal vez es sólo tu asquerosa mente actuando, bebé. No puedes culparme por lo que tu cuerpo quiere.
Y, cuando su mirada volvió al libro, te diste cuenta de que la conversación, por muy breve que haya sido, ya había terminado.
Lo curioso de toda la situación en la que estabas envuelta fue que nunca le pediste a Jungkook que se detuviera. Y te diste cuenta de que era porque una parte retorcida dentro de ti en realidad lo estaba disfrutando; todas esas bromas, esos sueños vulgares, la frustración sexual que te inundaba cuando bajabas del orgasmo.
Cuanto más jugabas contigo misma, más llegabas a admitir que no era suficiente; siempre te sentías vacía, agitada, tratando de encontrar algo que no podías alcanzar sola.
Nunca era suficiente. Era como si estuvieras en un borde infernal y perpetuo que te empujaba hacia las paredes de lo impuro.
Y para empeorar las cosas, sabías a ciencia cierta que podías expulsar a Jungkook en cualquier momento y poner fin a toda esta tortura, lo habías investigado y el mismo Jungkook lo había confirmado. Los demonios no podían quedarse por mucho tiempo si el humano no consentía su presencia, pero había algo en ti que realmente lo quería allí.
Querías que su calidez te rodeara, querías que su voz melosa y profunda te dijera todo lo que querías escuchar. Era una presencia embriagadora, un suave zumbido en el fondo de tu mente, sentías el deseo de que te abrazara, de que te tocara, de que te hiciera suya aún si eso estaba moralmente mal.
Jungkook te había arruinado de tal manera que, incluso si le pedías que se fuera, sabías que la mancha que había dejado se quedaría por mucho más tiempo dentro de ti.
Era aterrador ver a un demonio como pareja sexual, pero, ¿cómo no verlo así? Jungkook era la criatura más atractiva que alguna vez pudiste llegar a imaginar, todo lo que hacía, cada pequeño movimiento o parpadeo de su mirada, era tan sexual que casi te hacía jadear ante su sola presencia.
Se burló de ti: te susurró al oído y te abrazó por la espalda; acarició tu rostro y recorrió con sus ojos oscuros todo tu cuerpo, y solo podías pensar en lo deslumbrante y encantador que era; querías sentir sus suaves y bonitos labios sobre los tuyos, querías sentir sus grandes manos sobre tu piel, apretando tu cuerpo contra él y jugando contigo, querías tenerlo dentro de ti; llenándote hasta el fondo, querías recostarte y dejar que él hiciera todo lo que quisiera contigo.
La idea de hacer todo eso con un demonio, independientemente de lo amable que fuera contigo, era absolutamente una locura, lo sabías, pero simplemente no estabas pensando con claridad a este punto.
Sólo podías pensar en él — Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook — y sabías que tus propios deseos no fueron plantados por él. El demonio simplemente había instigado algo que ya existía dentro de ti, una pequeña llama a la que él le arrojó gasolina, y ahora estabas mirando cómo incendiaba toda tu mente.
Lo querías. Y tenías que tenerlo.
Así que lo hiciste.
Esas noches vívidas y de pensamientos lujuriosos alcanzaron un nivel de incomodidad que; después de despertarte de otro sueño húmedo, llamaste a Jungkook como si fuera tu segunda naturaleza, rogándole que hiciera algo, cualquier cosa para liberarte de este deseo que te estaba inundando el cuerpo. Y para tu deleite, el demonio apareció con la misma rapidez, dejándote ver un hermoso y diabólico destello de lujuria brillando en el fondo de su mirada y a través de su sonrisita burlona.
— Cosita bonita…— Se había murmurado para sí mismo, de pie junto a tu cama. Estabas sentada en el borde, mirándolo como si fuera tu propia versión de la salvación, pero en ese momento, ya no te importaba lo que era ni la intención oculta que pudiera tener. Todo lo que sabías era que te volverías loca si él no te ayudaba a lidiar con el deseo que había instigado en ti.— ¿Te pusiste caliente y ahora necesitas mi ayuda con eso?
— Sí…— Dijiste con el pecho agitado. Las escenas de tu sueño indecente aún estaban vivas en tu mente, el fantasma de tu placer aún seguía nadando dentro de tu piel. Había una sensación húmeda y pegajosa entre tus piernas que odiabas y adorabas al mismo tiempo haciéndote pedazos junto al hormigueo de la anticipación llenando tu núcleo.— No sé lo que me estás haciendo, pero... ya no me importa. Ayúdame, Jungkook, por favor…
Él sonrió y su cabello negro cayó sobre sus ojos, haciéndolo lucir mucho más encantador, el calor de su palma se encontró con tu muslo desnudo haciéndote temblar, todo se intensificaba cuando Jungkook estaba contigo, cada toque era el cielo y el infierno al mismo tiempo.
— Qué humana tan sucia…— Murmuró por lo bajo comenzando a deslizar su mano hacia arriba por todo lo largo de tu pierna; mimando tu piel con calma y acercándose peligrosamente a tu entrepierna solo para comenzar a frotar su dedo índice por la mitad de tu entrada; ejerciendo una presión especial sobre tu clítoris vestido haciéndote ahogar un gemido, y como era de esperarse, sus dedos se sentían mucho mejor que los tuyos.— ¿Quieres que juegue con tu coño, cariño? ¿Quieres que te haga sentir bien?
No podías asentir con la cabeza lo suficientemente rápido, todas las inhibiciones que alguna vez llegaste a sentir antes de que Jungkook apareciera en tu vida se hicieron a un lado sin pudor alguno.
Te sentiste extraña haciéndolo; nunca habías estado tan desesperada sexualmente en tu vida, y no sabías dónde terminaba su influencia y dónde comenzaban tus propios impulsos. Quizás eras tan culpable como él, tan incapaz de luchar contra tus propias tentaciones.
— Necesito oírte decirlo.— Jungkook murmuró apartando el encaje de tus pantalones cortos de pijama lentamente, disfrutando con el sonido de tu laboriosa respiración. Podía oler tu excitación explotando a su alrededor e inundando toda la habitación; era ese olor dulce y tan adictivo que lo estaba haciendo perder la cabeza, y ya podía sentir su miembro endureciéndose dentro de sus pantalones de una forma tan dolorosa.— No puedo hacer nada a menos que me lo digas.
Tragaste saliva, ahogándote con sus propias palabras por un segundo. No podías creer que estuvieras a punto de pedirle eso, y la simple idea hacía que tus mejillas ardieran.
— Quiero... quiero que juegues con mi coño…— Las palabras salieron en un lío tembloroso de tu boca, cayendo una encima de la otra de una forma arrítmica. Si era por lujuria o vergüenza, no se podría decir.— Quiero que hagas que me corra, por favor. No puedo soportarlo más, no puedo hacerlo yo sola….
Pensaste que tal vez si él te ayudaba, tal vez todo se detendría, esas intensas oleadas de hambre, ese deseo insaciable dentro de tu pecho. Quizás eso era todo lo que necesitaba de ti. Y luego todo volvería a la normalidad.
Incluso si no estabas segura de que realmente querías que eso sucediera.
Jungkook era consciente del hecho de que nunca antes te habían practicado un buen sexo oral (cortesía de tu única y terrible pareja sexual en el pasado), así que uso eso a su favor, como todo lo que había hecho para que terminaras en esta situación, rogando por él.
Fue realmente una tortura ver la forma en la que Jungkook se estaba tomando todo el tiempo del mundo antes de darte lo que tanto querías, era como si estuviera disfrutando con tu desesperación e impaciencia, y cuando por fin lo viste hacerse espacio entre tus piernas y a su aliento caliente acariciar la piel tan sensible de tu entrepierna dejaste escapar un suspiro tembloroso mientras tus caderas se elevaban en busca de él haciéndolo reír. Hubo un momento de silencio que fue cortado por un agudo gemido que brotó de tus labios en cuando sentiste a Jungkook deslizar su lengua por tus húmedos pliegues, comenzando a lamer y chupar todo de ti.
Internamente agradecías el hecho de fuera Jungkook el primero que te estuviera dando este tipo de placer, porque joder que lo hacía tan bien, Jungkook se sentía tan bien, sus labios devorándote por completo se sentían tan bien, su lengua tan caliente y pecaminosa deslizándose y recogiendo todo de tu sabor para probarlo y degustarse con él se sentía tan bien, y los audibles y guturales gruñidos que dejaba escapar contra tu piel sensible se sentían mucho mejor, era como si todo en él gritara lujuria y placer, y cuando menos te diste cuenta, tus manos ya se encontraban enredándose en su cabello negro para aferrarlo más contra ti mientras tus caderas se elevaban contra su boca, rogándole más, mucho más, y esa acción pareció encantarle, ya que un gruñido dejó su boca antes de que su lengua volviera a jugar con tu clítoris, dándole toda la atención que se merecía; haciéndote gemir y temblar entre sus manos.
Tal vez había sido todo el deseo acumulado que había dentro de ti por tanto tiempo, o tal vez fueron los bonitos labios y la caliente lengua de Jungkook trabajando sobre ti, pero fue increíblemente vergonzoso lo rápido que llegaste a tu orgasmo, fue como si tu clímax te hubiera destruido por completo y el placer duplicado que inundó tu cuerpo fue tan grande que te hizo olvidar quién eras por un momento, con el cuerpo temblando y tus manos aún hundidas en su cabello como si estuvieras a punto de morir mientras te corrías sobre su lengua; como si estuvieras hecha para eso, tan bonita y avergonzada que Jungkook pensó que se iba a olvidar de su autocontrol.
— Que humana tan perfecta...— Te felicitó mientras bajabas de tu orgasmo tratando de regular tu errática respiración, su vista estaba clavada en tu entrepierna; demasiado perdido en la forma en la que tu humedad se escurría entre tus muslos antes de que dos de sus dedos se presionaran contra tu entrada al mismo tiempo que se relamía los labios, su cabello revuelto le daban el toque final de erotismo a toda su aura, sus ojos entrecerrados te miraban como si fueras la cosa más sexista que jamás hubiera visto antes de volver a murmurar.— Hecha para ser jodida por mi.
— ¡J-Jungkook! — Gritaste cuando sus dedos entraron en ti comenzado a estirar tu interior de a poco, el ardor hizo que pequeñas lágrimas se acumularan en las comisuras de tus ojos, y cuando menos te diste cuenta; su boca ya estaba de vuelta en tu clítoris sensible e hinchado antes de que pudieras protestar, haciendo que tu espalda se arqueara fuera de la cama.— Es demasiado…
Pero él no respondió, solo te miró fijamente con esos penetrantes ojos negros mientras su lengua se deslizaba por todo lo largo de tu coño chupando con la fuerza necesaria tu clítoris; desafiándote silenciosamente a que te corrieras una vez más para él. Después de todo, tú lo habías pedido, así que él se complació en dártelo.
Y cuando no trataste de alejarlo, supo que te había conquistado.
No pasó mucho tiempo hasta que Jungkook te estaba complaciendo en cada oportunidad que tenía. Estaba enterrándose entre tus muslos y prácticamente rasgando tus bragas mientras contestabas alguna llamada en tu teléfono; lamiéndote y tocándote hasta que te corrías para él.
Hizo que llegaras a tu orgasmo con solo montar su muslo, te hizo tocarte y bordear tu coño hasta que estabas pidiendo desesperadamente alivio. Prácticamente te había convertido en su pequeña zorra codiciosa más rápido de lo que pudieras entender, podía hacer que le abrieras las piernas con sólo un chasquido de sus dedos y le encantaba mirarte mientras le suplicabas que te tocara más fuerte, más profundo, tal como a él le gustaba.
Una y otra vez, te pedía permiso y, cada vez, tú le decías que sí, un acuerdo nervioso y avergonzado que hacía que su polla palpitara de deseo. Pero justo cuando te hacia correrte y estabas pidiendo más de él, queriendo sentirlo dentro de ti con su polla abriéndote como sabías que lo haría, él se iba, dejándote incluso más frustrada que antes.
A Jungkook le gustaba jugar con su comida, y esa era la razón por la que se estaba tomando su tiempo antes de follarte como es debido. Estaba bromeando, por supuesto. Y estaba funcionando, por supuesto.
Estabas tan cerca de tu punto de ruptura y pasabas tus días casi completamente consumido por el pensamiento de él: su abrumadora belleza, sus caricias, la forma en que se zambullía en tu coño con tanta hambre que parecía que lo disfrutaba incluso más que tú. Incluso cuando te ibas a dormir, estabas plagado de sueños sobre él, algunos tan vívidos que estabas segura de que eran reales; soñando con Jungkook gimiendo contra tu oído y casi pudiendo sentir como la punta de su pene se presionaba contra tus pliegues empapados, con sus dedos frotando tu clítoris sólo como él sabía hacerlo y a su boca chupando tus pezones endurecidos hasta que la necesidad de liberarte te despertaba.
Y sin embargo, incluso en tus sueños, nunca te folló. Era realmente cruel cuando quería serlo, y eso te estaba volviendo loca.
— Jungkook…— Llamaste su nombre una tarde, cuando ese pensamiento te estaba atormentando una vez más, y él apareció justo después, envuelto en un traje oscuro y con el cabello recogido en una pequeña coleta. Realmente era el pecado encarnado.— ¿Puedo preguntarte algo?
— Lo que sea, cariño.— Respondió acercándose a ti para darte un beso en los labios, e instantáneamente te derretiste.— ¿Qué ocurre?
Tragaste en seco, la chispa inicial de tu coraje se desvaneció. No podías mantener tu postura por mucho tiempo cuando estabas bajo su mirada de esa manera, sus seductores iris negros mirando lujuriosamente tus labios te desconcentraban de tu propósito.
— Yo mmh, quería saber por qué nunca... me acompañas hasta el final cuando te lo pido.
Y Jungkook sonrió diabólicamente ante tus palabras.
— Cariño, no creo que estés lista para que yo haga eso todavía.— Respondió y su pulgar rozó tu labio inferior, el familiar estremecimiento recorrió todo tu cuerpo ante ese simple y sutil toque.— Sin embargo, apuesto a que ésta bonita boca se sentiría increíble alrededor de mi polla. Si quieres hacer eso.
Cada vez, sin falta, tus mejillas se calentaban y tus ojos se ensanchaban ante el sonido de sus palabras obscenas. Jungkook las usaba con tanta facilidad, como si las hubiera creado él mismo, y no podías acostumbrarte a lo tentadoras que sonaban cuando salían de su hermosa boca. Pero sólo había un problema con lo que te ofreció.
— Yo... no sé cómo hacer eso.— Admitiste completamente avergonzada y tratando de evitar su lujuriosa mirada de ti.— Yo nunca... simplemente no hubo…
Y Jungkook sintió su respiración atascarse en su garganta, podría haberse corrido justo en ese mismo momento: abrumado por la inexperiencia dulce e inmaculada que nunca te había abandonado por completo. Fue tan entrañable, pensó, la forma en que le rogaste que te follara al mismo tiempo que admitías que no sabías cómo hacer un oral. Realmente fuiste impecable. Y él mejor que nadie sabía que nunca volvería a encontrarse con nadie como tú.
— Me dijiste que no eras virgen.— Jungkook dijo, por supuesto, él lo sabía con certeza, eso era algo que los de su clase nunca se perderían. Sólo quería escucharte decirlo.
— No lo soy.— Tus ojos se dispararon para encontrarse con los suyos. Jungkook todavía tenía deseo nadando dentro de su mirada, sus dientes mordisqueando su labio inferior como si estuviera considerando qué hacer contigo.— Tuve… sexo antes. Una vez. Simplemente no tuve la oportunidad de... ya sabes.
— ¿Chupar una polla? — Completó, disfrutando cada gramo de tu timidez. Incluso después de todo lo que había pasado, seguías siendo tan pura, tan incómoda para explorar tu propia sexualidad. Y Jungkook quería derribar esos muros.— No hay razón para preocuparse, querida. Te puedo enseñar si quieres.
— ¿Tú puedes?
Jungkook sonrió, colocando un mechón de tu cabello detrás tu oreja. Su simple toque te mareaba por completo y su voz ronca te envolvía como una cálida manta tu alma ansiosa.
— Haré lo que quieras que haga.— Ronroneó con su voz melosa y cubierta de deseo.— Todo lo que tienes que hacer es pedirlo, cariño.
La primera vez que viste su pene, jadeaste tan fuerte de la sorpresa que Jungkook se echó a reír.
Habría estado mintiendo si hubiera dicho que no le encantó tu reacción, disfrutó demasiado con el asombro en tu mirada mientras observabas su tamaño y todos los detalles sobre él: la punta de su pene enrojecida y goteando para ti, la vena que se erguía hermosamente contra su piel lo hacía ver incluso mucho más imponente de lo que ya era.
Jungkook tenía longitud y grosor, una combinación peligrosa que te dejaba en algún lugar entre la emoción y la preocupación cuando pensabas en llevarlo dentro de ti.
— Vamos, cariño, no seas tímida.— Jungkook te animó elevando una de sus manos y llevándola a la parte posterior de tu cabeza; sujetando los mechones de tu cabello y el tirón que te dio no fue fuerte de ninguna manera, pero sí lo suficiente para que tu boca se acercara a su miembro erguido en lo alto.— Dale una lamida, quiero sentir tu lengua alrededor.
Tragaste saliva ligeramente nerviosa, tus dedos se envolvieron alrededor de la base de su pene para darle apoyo, y te sorprendiste aún más con la forma en la que tu mano lucía absurdamente pequeña contra su gorda polla. Pero aún así, hiciste lo que te pidió; tu lengua salió suave y plana contra su punta, comenzando a trazar pequeños círculos de saliva en su glande.
— Buena chica…— Jungkook elogió con un profundo suspiro, relajando su posición sobre la cama.— ¿Puedes llevártelo a la boca, bebé?
—No lo sé…— Murmuraste contra la punta húmeda.— Es tan grande…
Jungkook se rió entre dientes ante tus palabras, su mano bajando por tu rostro para poder acariciar tu mejilla.— Empecemos despacio, ¿de acuerdo? Puedes parar cuando quieras.
Y tú asentiste con la cabeza sintiendo como el calor se extendía por tus mejillas. A Jungkook le gustaba demasiado la vista que tenía de tus bonitos labios tomando todo de su grosor; siguiendo tus movimientos incómodos mientras agarrabas su base con más fuerza y te inclinabas sobre él antes de que tu boca se envolviera en la punta para darle una ligera succión.
Jungkook suspiró de nuevo ante la sensación, pero estaba más entretenido viéndote luchar con su tamaño mientras tu mandíbula se movía para acomodar su grosor dentro de tu boca. Era un espectáculo tan pecaminoso y estaba empezando a perderse en tu expresión concentrada cuando decidiste hundirlo un poco más y chuparlo más fuerte.
— Muévete hacia arriba y hacia abajo para mí.— Te ordenó e hiciste lo que dijo, luchando contra el ardor en tu boca mientras lo llevabas más profundo gradualmente, sólo un poco más cada vez que bajabas la cabeza.— Usa tu mano también, bebé, hazme sentir bien…
Gimoteaste alrededor de su polla cuando tu mano comenzó a acariciar su base, cubriendo las partes de él que tu boca no podía alcanzar, moviendo tu cabeza hacia arriba hasta que sólo la punta estaba en tu boca antes de volver a tomar todo de él, con los bombeos de tu mano a la par de cada nueva succión. Jungkook te enseñó lo fuerte que tenías que chuparlo, lo rápido que le gustaba y lo mucho que amaba cuando gemías alrededor de su dura longitud. La pegajosa humedad entre tus piernas era cada vez más insoportable y solo aumentaba entre cada gutural gemido que brotaba de sus labios combinados con algunas maldiciones en nombre del placer que estaba sintiendo.
— ¿Puedo follarme tu boquita, bebé? — Preguntó y tú lo miraste desde abajo, la vista de Jungkook estaba enfocada en ti, mirando tus ojitos llorosos mientras asentías sumisamente a su alrededor y sonrió diabólicamente.— Buena niña.
Hace unos meses, ni siquiera hubieras aceptado la simple idea. Pero ahora, Jungkook te había convertido por completo en un desastre caliente y débil a sus encantos, en alguien que haría cualquier cosa que él te pidiera, y amabas cada segundo de esto.
Jungkook estaba orgulloso de su trabajo. Había sido uno de los mejores.
— Quiero que relajes tu garganta, bebé…— Te dijo mientras sus manos se movían hacia la parte de atrás de tu cabeza, dándole un tirón fuerte y experimental a tu cabello que te gustó más de lo que esperabas e hiciste todo lo posible por hacer lo que te pidió, colocando las palmas de tus manos contra sus fuertes y gruesos muslos para intentar prepararte. Nadie te había hecho esto antes y no sabías qué esperar.— Tu boca se ve tan bonita llena de mi polla. No puedo esperar para llenarla con mi semen.
Jungkook gruñó y tus piernas se debilitaron con sus palabras, un pequeño gemido vibró alrededor de su polla cuando elevó sus caderas hacia ti, llevándose más profundamente dentro de tu boca; tus ojos se cerraron ante la sensación de su punta rozando con dureza tu lengua. Jungkook no tardó ni dudó en establecer un ritmo; empujando hacia arriba dentro de tu boca mientras luchabas por mantenerte abierta para él, tu mandíbula dolía con la posición en la que estabas y no fue hasta que lo sentiste golpeando la parte posterior de tu garganta que te ahogaste con su tamaño y tus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas mientras lo escuchabas gemir sobre ti.
— Mierda…— Maldijo, cerrando los ojos y echando la cabeza hacia atrás. Jungkook era una imagen de perdición en la que fácilmente podías perderte, la forma en que se mordió el labio mientras te follaba la boca haciendo que tu coño se mojara aún más de pura necesidad. Te encantaba la sensación de que él te estaba utilizando, como si fueras una simple herramienta para su propio placer.— Ah, sabía que lo podías tomar. Nunca me decepcionaste.
Tu frágil sollozo salió amortiguado alrededor de su miembro, las vibraciones de tu voz hicieron que Jungkook te follara la boca más rápido y más fuerte. Cada vez que golpeaba la parte posterior de tu garganta, te ahogabas y tus uñas se clavaban en sus muslos, pudiendo sentir como tu coño se apretaba alrededor de la nada, imaginando cómo se sentiría tenerlo dentro de ti. También sabías que él podía sentir lo caliente y necesitada que estabas, podía oler tu excitación a millas de distancia, y la idea te hacía gemir.
— Eres una humana tan sucia…— Jungkook habló viendo como una lágrima corría por tu mejilla; le encantaba lo desordenada que te veías, tan desesperada con su polla metida en tu boca.— Eras tan inocente cuando te conocí, y ahora…— Agregó en medio de un audible gruñido.— Ahora mírate; llorando alrededor de mi polla, como una buena puta.
Cerró los ojos de golpe y gimió, con su cuerpo completamente dominado por la lujuria y por la sensación de la calidez y humedad de tu boca cubriéndolo por completo. El dolor en tu mandíbula ya no te molestaba; de hecho, te gustaba que Jungkook superara tus límites, haciéndote olvidar de tu propia incomodidad para poder darle más placer.
— Me voy a correr…— Advirtió y su voz salió ronca y firme, enviando escalofríos por tu columna vertebral, sintiendo su pene palpitar dentro de tu boca; llenando tus papilas gustativas con el gusto salado del líquido preseminal.— Y serás una buena niña y te tragarás todo.
No necesitó pedirlo dos veces porque no pensaste que hubiera algo más que quisieras hacer. Jungkook te folló la boca por unos segundos más con sus embestidas volviéndose erráticas, antes de que la punta hinchada chocara contra la parte posterior de tu garganta y se corriera con una fuerte maldición brotando de sus bonitos labios acompañada de un tirón en tu cabello que hizo que tu cuero cabelludo picara.
Gimoteaste mientras hacías todo lo posible por tragar las espesas olas de semen con su mano manteniéndote firmemente en su lugar mientras lo hacías. Jungkook no pudo maravillarse más con la sensación de tu garganta apretándose a su alrededor mientras tu lengua se movía para poder limpiarle la polla.
— Eso es…— Siseó un poco moviendo su pelvis de forma lenta.— Trágatelo todo.
Jungkook llegó en una cantidad sorprendente y, sin embargo, te las arreglaste para tomar todo de él, y cuando estuvo satisfecho soltó tu cabello y jadeaste por aire mientras te movías hacia arriba separándote de a poco de su pene aún duro y un visible hilo de saliva colgó de tus labios; conectando tu boca con su punta.
— Tan jodidamente bonita…— Dijo con ternura acariciando tu cabello, y no pudiste descifrar su expresión, pero de todos modos te emborrachaste con sus elogios.— Hiciste un gran trabajo. Ahora ven aquí.
Hiciste lo que te pidió, arrastrándote más cerca de él hasta subir a la cama y recostarte a su lado, rápidamente Jungkook se colocó encima de ti y su mano viajó por tu cuerpo hasta encontrarse con tu cuello; atrayéndote en un beso tan caliente y sensual que te dejó buscando aire; en medio de ese beso sentiste como su rodilla se movía entre tus piernas separándolas y abriéndote para él.
Su otra mano se movió hacia abajo para envolver tu coño y el demonio tarareó de placer una vez que sus dedos se encontraron con tus pliegues empapados, y sin querer perder mucho tiempo; dos de sus dedos se sumergieron dentro de tu calor, comenzando a estirar tu interior de a poco, tu espalda se arqueó ante la sensación y un gemido necesitado salió de tus labios mientras él comenzaba a bombear dentro y fuera de ti, llenando el dormitorio con los sonidos de tu humedad mezclados con tus suaves gemidos.
Jungkook se rió entre dientes cuando se apartó, sus rosados labios estaban hinchados y se inclinó para volver a atacar los tuyos.— Mírate…— Murmuró estableciendo un ritmo deliciosamente lento dentro y fuera de tu coño.— ¿Te mojaste así con solo chuparme la polla, bebé?
Tu asentiste con la cabeza ante su pregunta.— Me gusta hacer que te sientas bien.
Y Jungkook no pudo evitar sonreír ante tus palabras tan dóciles.
— Que linda.— Se inclinó y te dió un húmedo y casto beso en los labios, el movimiento fue extrañamente suave en comparación con la forma en que se cernía sobre ti, con su presencia casi amenazante cuando se encontraba con tu mirada.— ¿Quieres tener mi polla de nuevo, bebé? Las niñas buenas merecen recompensas.
Casi no podías creer sus palabras, una mezcla de euforia y lujuria se apoderó de ti al escucharlo. Tenerlo dentro de ti era todo lo que deseabas, y no podías aceptar lo suficientemente rápido.
— Sí, por favor…— Te quejaste, casi ahogándote con tus propias palabras mientras él agregaba un tercer dedo; abriéndote y preparándote para él, tu abdomen se apretó ante la idea de su gran polla entrando y saliendo de ti, con la idea de su semen llenándote mientras seguía follándote a través de su orgasmo. Nunca habías necesitado tanto a alguien.— Por favor, úsame. Quiero tanto sentirte…
Y la expresión entretenida en su rostro no vaciló, depositó otro nuevo beso en tus labios y te quitó los dedos.— Siempre tan educada.— Murmuró por lo bajo empujando tu espalda contra el colchón y atrapando tus muñecas con su mano, entrelazándolas justo encima de tu cabeza.— Me encanta cuando me ruegas.
— Pero nunca me das lo que quiero…— Hablaste en medio de un puchero y con las mejillas ardiendo.
— Esta noche lo haré.— Jungkook se rió entre dientes ante tus palabras mientras su otra mano se movía hacia abajo para bombear su pene. Estaba tan duro como antes, pero por supuesto, no esperabas que su cuerpo inmortal funcionara igual que cualquier otro humano, y la vista te hizo agua la boca.— ¿Quieres que te folle, bebé? — Preguntó con su voz ronca y arqueó las cejas, viendo como tragabas saliva y asentías desesperadamente, sus manos eran tan grandes, pero incluso parecían pequeñas al envolver su miembro, su pulgar llegaba a acariciar la punta rosada; cubriéndose con su humedad y los restos de tu saliva por todo lo largo.— Quiero que lo digas.
— Lo necesito tanto…— Dijiste, encontrando su mirada divertida puesta sobre ti.— Necesito tu polla dentro de mí, por favor Jungkook…
Los ojos de Jungkook brillaron con hambre y deseo mientras se relamía los labios. Te estabas volviendo una personita tan sucia, pensó, y aún así, seguías siendo tímida como antes.
— ¿Lo necesitas? — Repitió tus palabras inclinándose más cerca de ti y buscando alinearse correctamente con tu goteante entrada, y cuando habló de nuevo; sus palabras fueron una nube de calor contra tus labios entreabiertos.— ¿Me necesitas follando tu pequeño coño como una buena puta?
Jadeaste ante sus palabras tan sucias; buscando a tientas algún tipo de agarre en tus muñecas.— Sí, por favor, Jungkook, yo…
Tu oración se atascó en tu garganta cuando lo sentiste presionando la punta caliente de su pene contra tu entrada; provocándote lo suficiente como para que tus ojos se cerraran y que tu cuerpo se tensara con expectativa.
Sin embargo, a Jungkook le gustaba bromear.
— Relájate, bebé…— Murmuró alejándose un poco hacia atrás para apoyar su pene contra tu coño, comenzando a rodar sus caderas; haciéndote jadear cuando rozó intencionalmente tu clítoris y todo tu cuerpo se concentró en lo pesado y grueso que se sentía presionando contra ti.— Estás tan tensa.
Gemías con cada lento y provocativo movimiento de sus caderas contra ti, los sucios sonidos de su polla arrastrándose entre tus húmedos pliegues llenaban tus oídos y te hacían suspirar de pura frustración.— Por favor, mételo…— Suplicaste patéticamente y con los ojos nublados por el deseo.— No puedo soportarlo más…
Jungkook se rió entre dientes.— ¿Estás segura, bebé?
Y tu asentiste con la cabeza, más que necesitada y ansiosa por tenerlo dentro de ti.— Sí, joder, eso es todo lo que quiero…
— Todo lo que mi linda humana quiera…— Jungkook habló antes de tomar su pene por la base y alinear su punta contra tu entrada una vez más. Los dedos de tus pies se curvaron cuando él comenzó a deslizarse, el ardor que sentiste de su miembro grande y grueso abriendo tu interior gradualmente envió oleadas de dolor y placer al mismo tiempo.
Cerraste los ojos y tu cabeza cayó hacia atrás contra la almohada ante la deliciosa sensación.— Oh, joder, Jungkook…
— Shhh... eso es, despacio, bebé.— Jungkook susurró deslizándose lánguidamente dentro de ti, tomándose su dulce tiempo, disfrutando de la sensación de tu coño apretándose de forma imponente a su alrededor mientras entraba en tu interior y amando como se apretaba más a medida que avanzaba.— Sé que puedes tomarlo.
Intentaste apartar las manos de su agarre de nuevo, pero era en vano, Jungkook te sostenía con demasiada fuerza y prácticamente estabas a su merced.— Es mucho, Jungkook…— Te quejaste debajo de él sintiendo que todo tu cuerpo estaba en llamas. Nunca antes te habías sentido algo así, nunca pensaste que estarías tan llena.— Es demasiado grande…
— ¿Lo es, bebé? — Preguntó mientras se inclinaba sobre ti para darte un pequeño beso en los labios, suave, tranquilo. Todas las cosas que no era.— ¿Quieres que pare?
— No, por favor, no te detengas…— No dudaste, nunca lo hiciste con él.
Jungkook sonrió diabólicamente ante tu rápida respuesta. Realmente te había entrenado bien, te había convertido en su pequeña y obediente muñequita. Joder, el escucharte así hizo que su polla palpitara, dándose cuenta de que acababa de enseñarte cómo darle una buena mamada porque eras tan inocente que ni siquiera sabías cómo hacerlo y ahora te retorcías debajo de él, tratando de darle sentido a la sensación de su gran polla llenándote. Era demasiado perfecto.
— Mi linda bebé necesita tanto mi polla, ¿no es así? — Murmuró con su voz ronca empujando dentro de ti con tanta fuerza que te quedaste sin aliento, deteniéndose justo después para poder escuchar tus gemidos quejumbrosos saliendo de tus bonitos labios.— Mírate. Fuiste hecha para ser follada por mí.
— Es tan grande…— Balbuceaste sin sentido antes soltar un patético gemido cuando Jungkook comenzó a dar profundas embestidas dentro y fuera de ti, lentamente al principio; comenzando a establecer un ritmo conforme avanzaba. No pensaste que alguna vez serías capaz de experimentar este sentimiento con nadie más.— Se siente tan bien…
— Te encanta, ¿no es así? — Habló y se inclinó sobre ti; presionando su frente contra la tuya, su mano todavía sostenía con fuerza tus muñecas comenzando a perderse en el delicioso placer que sus cuerpos creaban, tus senos rebotaban cada vez que empujaba su polla dentro de ti con fuerza, haciendo que la vista de todo fuera aún más placentero.— Mi linda mortal fue hecha para tomar mi polla.
— S-Sí, por favor, no pares…— Gemiste de pura felicidad mientras las lágrimas corrían por tu rostro con la fuerza de sus embestidas. Ni siquiera podías pensar con claridad, tu mente era un desastre, demasiado intoxicada con la sensación de su miembro golpeando tu coño. Todas esas noches frustrantes, todos esos sueños eróticos que tuviste con Jungkook, nada podría compararse, y realmente pensaste que estabas arruinada para siempre.— Es tan bueno…
A Jungkook le encantaba verte llorar mientras estabas tan llena de su polla, esas lágrimas etéreas corriendo por tu rostro mientras sus embestidas se volvían más fuertes y duras dentro de ti. También le encantaba cómo se volvían tus gemidos cuando llegabas a ese punto: tan agudos y rotos, con tu cerebro incapaz de formar una sola oración comprensible.
— Qué linda humana.— Elogió elevando su mano para acunar tu rostro y limpiar una lágrima de tu mejilla.— Eres tan bonita cuando lloras…
— Es... es tan grande.— Gimoteaste dócilmente una vez más, parecía como si eso fuera todo lo que pudieras decir, ese único pensamiento repitiéndose como un disco rayado dentro de tu aturdida mente.
Tus ojos estaban tan borrosos que casi te perdiste la sonrisita diabólica que apareció en sus labios.
— ¿No puedes soportarlo, bebé? — Jungkook bromeó moviendo sus caderas de una manera que hizo que tu coño se apretara a su alrededor haciéndote gemir su nombre y arquear tu espalda hacia él; ofreciéndole en bandeja de oro tus senos para que él los atacara con su caliente lengua, lamiendo tus pezones antes de regalarles una mordidita por igual, y otra lágrima se deslizó por tu rostro con un deleite sin fin.— ¿Me molestas durante semanas, suplicando que te llene con mi polla, y luego empiezas a llorar porque no puedes soportarlo? Deberías ser más consciente de lo que pides.
— N-No, no es eso…— Tragaste saliva sintiendo como las palabras se atascaban en tu garganta ante sus duras embestidas.— Y-yo p-puedo tomarlo, lo juro…
Jungkook tarareó y se echó hacia atrás para poder mirar el lío que estaba haciendo entre tus piernas. Gimió en aprobación cuando vió su gruesa polla hundirse con fuerza entre tus empapados pliegues, casi hasta el borde.— Lo estás tomando muy bien princesa… – Él te miró con sus ojos de obsidiana brillando con malicia.— Qué buena puta eres. Harás todo lo que te pido, ¿no?
Asentiste desesperada con la cabeza sin entender realmente lo que dijo. Sentías como si el mundo se cerrara a tu alrededor, asfixiándote. Jungkook era demasiado grande, demasiado grueso, la forma en que te estiraba no era más que deliciosa y placentera.
— ¿Todo? — Preguntó inclinándose más cerca y soltando tus muñecas, con su boca a centímetros de tu oreja. Su aliento era caliente y pesado, cubierto de hambre.— Si quisiera seguir follándote una y otra vez, hasta que esté satisfecho, ¿me dejarías?
— Sí...— Gemiste en aprobación, eso era todo lo que querías.
Jungkook curvó sus manos debajo de tus rodillas y tiró de tus piernas hacia arriba, más cerca de tu pecho. El nuevo ángulo fue un descubrimiento tan delicioso, un gemido particularmente fuerte explotó en tu garganta mientras seguía follándote con fuerza.
— ¿Incluso si te corres tanto que ni siquiera puedas hacerlo más? — Preguntó una vez más; sus embestidas se volvieron más duras, golpeando increíblemente profundo dentro de ti de una manera que te hacía gemir su nombre una y otra vez.— ¿Me dejarías usar tu coño y llenarte con mi semen hasta que estés goteando? ¿Hum? ¿Hasta que no puedas soportarlo más y aún así no me detendré?
— Joder, sí... — Tus ojos se cerraron revoloteando en puro placer, y con tus muslos temblando con cada nueva colisión de sus caderas contra las tuyas. Dejarías que Jungkook hiciera lo que quisiera contigo, estabas más allá del punto de cuestionar cualquier cosa.— Por favor, Jungkook, yo solo… oh, joder…
— Estás tan jodidamente apretada…— Jungkook maldijo en medio de un gruñido, sus manos enterrándose en la piel de tus caderas.— Qué buen coño, tan húmedo y apretado para mi polla.
— Jungkook estoy tan cerca…— Gemiste desesperada sintiendo como todo el placer que te estaba dando comenzaba a golpear tu cuerpo.— Por favor, no te detengas.
— No puedo parar, cariño.— Jungkook siseó echando su cabeza hacia atrás en un nuevo y gutural gruñido, su cabello era un desastre sudoroso sobre sus ojos, su pecho palpitaba con el placer que lo estaba invadiendo, podía sentir todo: tu euforia, tu lujuria, la desesperación que emanaba de tu alma. Todo era tan lascivo, tan manchado; podría perderse en él. Casi podía saborear la corrupción que impregnaba tu alma.— No cuando te sientes tan jodidamente bien…
Otro agudo gemido brotó de tus labios sonando peligrosamente cerca de su nombre, sintiendo cómo tu interior apretaba su polla un poco más, Jungkook gruñó y maldijo ante la sensación de tus paredes palpitando a su alrededor con tu orgasmo llamándolo a follarte más fuerte y rápido, amando esas hermosas lágrimas que manchaban tu rostro y viendo como empezabas a retroceder por la sensibilidad extra a través de los espasmos de tu clímax.
— J-Jungkook, es demasiado…— Te quejaste por lo bajo buscando apoyo en sus fuertes brazos.
— Me dijiste que me dejarías usar este coño, bebé.— Jungkook te recordó con su voz rota por un gemido entrecortado. Se notaba que estaba cerca, sus embestidas eran demasiado descuidadas y desesperadas.— Hasta que esté satisfecho.
— S-sí...— Jadeaste sabiendo que no habías cambiado de opinión.
— ¿Vas a dejar que te llene con mi semen? — Preguntó de nuevo, sonriendo ante el pequeño y débil "sí" que le diste.— No voy a parar después de que me corra, bebé. Voy a follarte hasta que no puedas hacerlo más.
Abriste la boca para decir algo, qué, exactamente, no tenías idea, pero pronto sentiste su semen caliente derramándose dentro de ti y tu mente se quedó completamente en blanco. No sabías si era por lo que era Jungkook, pero todo lo que hizo fue extremadamente fácil para excitarte, y su semen dentro de ti no fue la excepción. Un gemido salió de tu garganta antes de que pudieras detenerte y todo tu cuerpo se apoderó de un nivel de deseo que ni siquiera podías comprender.
Hubo un momento de confusión interna cuando el demonio se detuvo para recuperar aliento en el que realmente pensaste que había terminado, que Jungkook se iba a ir y te dejaría con ese deseo construyéndose dentro de ti. Pero el aura animal que lo rodeaba no te dejaría descansar.
Después de unos cuantos segundos Jungkook encontró tus ojos a través de la cortina de su cabello oscuro, el brillo de malicia que viste en ellos te emocionó el doble antes de escucharlo hablar en medio de un gruñido.
— Más.
Y esa fue toda la advertencia que te dió, cuando menos te diste cuenta, Jungkook te dió la vuelta como si fueras una muñeca de trapo y presionó tu cara y tu cuerpo contra el colchón. Gimoteaste al sentir un duro azote golpear contra una de las mejillas de su trasero antes de que tomara con fuerza tus caderas, tirando de tu cuerpo hacia arriba hasta que tus rodillas te sostuvieron sobre la cama y apenas tuviste tiempo para reaccionar antes de que su polla se hundiera dentro de ti una vez más.
— Oh, Dios…— Jadeaste con fuerza y tus manos apretaron las sábanas mientras Jungkook continuaba golpeando dentro de ti, haciendo que la mezcla de su semen y tu humedad goteara por tus piernas. Su resistencia era una locura, como esperabas que fuera, pero la dureza de su polla te estaba haciendo perder la cabeza.— Joder, Jungkook…
— Tienes un coño tan perfecto, no puedo tener suficiente de ti…— Jungkook gruñó antes de tirar con fuerza de tu cabello mientras continuaba perforando dentro de tu coño, haciendo que tu cuerpo temblara con cada duro impacto. Tus ojos se cerraron ante la deliciosa sensación y tus paredes se apretaron alrededor de él mientras te llenaba hasta el borde.— Estás jodidamente goteando sobre mi polla. Qué puta tan sucia.
El placer dentro de ti era innegable, aumentando tan rápido que apenas y podías seguirlo. Acababas de alcanzar tu punto máximo y ya sentías que estabas a punto de hacerlo todo de nuevo.— J-Jungkook, yo…— Las palabras luchaban por salir de tu lengua con tu mente empañada por el erotismo de sus acciones.— Se siente tan bien, joder, no te detengas…
Hubo un ligero escozor en tu cuero cabelludo cuando apretó el agarre en tu cabello, haciéndote inclinar tu cabeza hacia atrás y que tu trasero se presionara contra su pelvis.— ¿Vas a correrte de nuevo, bebé? — Jungkook preguntó sin aliento antes de sonreír cuando asentiste con la cabeza, con tus ojitos llorosos mirándolo por encima de tu hombro.— Eres una pequeña mortal tan hambrienta. Acabas de llegar y estás a punto de correrte en mi polla de nuevo, ¿eh?
Gemiste una vez más igual de fuerte mientras lo sentías tirar de tu cabello, haciendo que tu espalda se arqueara y tu coño se apretara a su alrededor.— Sí, joder…— Admitiste en medio de un jadeo, la habitación estaba tan caliente que apenas y podías respirar, sentías como si todo el lugar estuviera dando vueltas a tu alrededor. Estabas tan, tan cerca de tu orgasmo que casi podías tocarlo.— Voy a correrme de nuevo…
Jungkook se humedeció los labios, bajando su atención al movimiento de su polla dentro y fuera de ti y gimió al ver tus pliegues envolviéndose alrededor de su grosor, tragándolo ansiosamente mientras tu humedad goteaba por tus muslos, ensuciándolo por completo. Era la cosa más hermosa que había presenciado en su vida, quería tener eso para siempre.— Sabía que serías tan perfecta después de que te preparé para esto, sabía que te encantaría ser una puta para mí.
No podías decir que te sorprendió su confesión; no eras tonta, sabías que había una sola cosa que un demonio quisiera contigo y, después de los sueños sexuales, no fue difícil sumarlo todo. Y, sin embargo, aceptaste sus avances en cada paso del camino, permitiste que te hiciera pedazos y te enseñara cómo ser tan sucia para él. Y tenía razón: te había encantado cada segundo.
— Voy a correrme.— Le advertiste, cerrando los ojos mientras todo el placer se arrastraba por toda tu piel justo hasta tu centro.— Joder, tu polla es tan grande, voy a…
Tu orgasmo te fue arrebatado cuando Jungkook se apartó abruptamente de tu coño. Lloriqueaste por lo bajo y sollozaste ante la pérdida de su pene dentro de ti, los sonidos lascivos se convirtieron en un jadeo de sorpresa y sin aliento cuando te separó de él.
Jungkook fácilmente te dio la vuelta y tiró de tus piernas hacia arriba, presionándolas contra tu pecho cuando se inclinó.— Quiero ver tu bonita cara cuando te llene con mi semen.
Y eso fue todo lo que dijo antes de irrumpir dentro nuevamente en una deliciosa penetración, todo tu cuerpo se estremeció ante la sensación y ante el repentino estiramiento que te empujó al borde del placer y te hizo correrte alrededor de su polla por segunda vez esa noche.
— Que humana tan dulce…— Jungkook gimió demasiado perdido en su propio placer, tus paredes se habían vuelto increíblemente apretadas a su alrededor, latiendo con cada bombeo de su longitud dentro de ti.— Me encanta arruinarte. Eres tan perfecta para mí. Hecha para esto…— Sus frases eran sólo algunos pensamientos conectados por fuertes gemidos, sus cejas bajaban a medida que se acercaba su propio orgasmo.— Me encanta verte así, te ves tan linda, toda llena de mi polla.
Jungkook murmuró con su voz aireada antes de derramarse de nuevo dentro de ti con un fuerte y entrecortado gemido y unas pocas palabras de elogio que salieron de sus labios: de lo bien, lo húmeda y lo apretada que estabas para él. Al igual que la primera vez, la sensación de que él te llenaba era embriagadora y te hacía perder la cabeza una vez más.
Intentaste quejarte un poco pero tus palabras fueron silenciadas con el choque de sus labios contra los tuyos, un gemido gutural lo dejó mientras derramaba las últimas gotas, su polla palpitó un par de veces más mientras seguía bombeándose a sí mismo través de su orgasmo; asegurándose de que cada gota de su semen estuviera profundamente dentro de ti.
Se notaba que estaba lejos de estar satisfecho cuando te besó con fervor, tarareando ante el sabor de tu lengua mientras sus manos sostenían con fuerza tus caderas impidiendo moverte. El pene de Jungkook todavía estaba duro dentro de ti, enterrado profundamente, incluso si había detenido sus movimientos, y te encantaba lo lleno que te hacía sentir, y sabías que estabas más allá del punto de la salvación.
Jungkook suspiró profundamente contra tus labios y se inclinó hacia atrás, sus ojos se encontraron con la unión de sus cuerpos mientras se alejaba, viendo como su semen se derramaba fuera de ti lentamente, haciendo un desastre sobre las sábanas y marcándote como suya, completamente suya.
— Perfecta…— Murmuró y debió haber sido la centésima vez que dijo eso en la noche, pero no podía tener suficiente de ti.— Hecha para mí.
Hubo un peso en tu pecho cuando lo miraste, observando la forma tan hermosa en la que su piel brillaba bajo la luz de la luna. Quizás fue la culpa, pensaste, o la comprensión de que acababas de manchar tu alma en nombre de la lujuria. Sin embargo, ya no te importaba.
Respiró pesadamente cuando se acostó a tu lado sobre la cama, y te giraste de lado para poder mirarlo; Jungkook era tan guapo, tan perfecto; y la mirada que te dio fue nada menos que pecaminosa.
— ¿Estuve bien? — Preguntaste por lo bajo con tu voz temblorosa debido a tu estado nebuloso y cansado antes de formar una pequeña sonrisita.
El demonio asintió, encontrando esa pregunta bastante adorable.— Sí, cariño. Aprendes rápido.
Tu sonrisa satisfecha se ensanchó en tu rostro y te acercaste a él, colocando tu cabeza contra su pecho, donde no podías escuchar ningún latido. Ese momento fue lo suficientemente extraño como lo fue, pero no estabas pensando con claridad; además, abrazar a un demonio no podía ser peor que todo lo que había sucedido antes.
Si Jungkook pensó que eso era extraño, no lo mencionó. Simplemente apartó unos mechones de cabello de tu frente, mirándote.— ¿Cansada, querida? — Preguntó.
— Sí…— Respondiste por lo bajo y parpadeaste pesadamente.
El tarareó colocando su palma contra tu mejilla.— Puedes descansar un poco.— Habló casi con suavidad al principio antes de que su voz volviera al tono profundo y áspero de antes.— Pero aún no he terminado contigo.
Después de todo, le permitiste usarte hasta que estuviera satisfecho. Y Jungkook estaba lejos de estarlo. No era que estuvieras quejando después de todo.
Y antes de que el sueño y el cansancio hiciera efecto por completo en tu cuerpo, escuchaste a Jungkook murmurar por lo bajo contra tu oído:
— Espera a que ellos te conozcan, cariño.
N/A: Por finn después de mucho tiempo y de que me lo pidieran demasiado por fin está disponible de nuevo 'Devilish' como especial de halloween 🎃
Espero por fin poder publicar la segunda parte de este oneshot, que realmente es una serie👀
So espero que lo disfruten igual o más que la primera vez🌚 gracias por todo su apoyo ♡
taglist: @guvgguk @lessuwu @cometaart @AnnieKCV @darysnowflwr @nunubly @choco-linny @aavacaf @wtffktt7 @minmin-cat @18fernanda @ariggukie @Katherine Murillo @lizxz @onixbae02 @piligt @youtis @tessacereza
#bts#bts fanfic#bts masterlist#bts imagines#jeon jungkook#bts smut#jungkook#softpxachy#bts jungkook#jungkook smut#devil#devilishly handsome#devilish#demon#lemon demon#demon girl#incubus#incubo#jeon junkook#jungkook scenarios#jungkook fanfic#jeongguk#jjk smut#jjk x reader#jjk fanart#jjk spoilers#jjk#lemon#witches#halloween
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luci with a witch!girlfriend
or Angel (or both)
been into like, earthy witchy gothic core lately cuz it’s so pretty, i could never pull it off though.
also i think it’s a crime you don’t write for my bbg, husk 😕
I haven't been attracted to Husk ngl- however he is growing on me so maybe in the future 👀 I'll write a part 2 for Angel tomorrow, today's been awful 😞
Lucifer with a Witch!Girlfriend
"Applepie, what are you doing?" Luci questioned, appearing next to you as you rearranged your half of the closet. He looked up at you curiously, spinning his cane in his hand.
"Changing out some things. Outfits and stuff, ya know?" You replied, putting your new Gothic corsets on a shelf beside your accessories before tuening to face him with a smile. "Why do you ask?"
"I saw a bunch odd things I our kitchen and I wanted to ask- is what the newer sinners have meant by earthy-witchy-gothic core?" You nodded, smiling shyly.
"I love it!! I'll get to making you a new rubber duck right away!!" Before you could respond, Luci disappeared but not before kissing you goodbye as he got started on making a brand new duck.
#hazbin lucifer#lucifer x you#lucifer x reader#lucifer x y/n#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel Lucifer Morningstar#hazbin hotel lucifer#luci x you#luci x reader#witchy#gothic#earthy#gothic witch#earth gothic witch#short king x tall queen#the devil 🫶🏻
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The Devil's Wife
Devil!Joel x Witch!OFC (7.1k) DARKAU! Joel Miller where he is the literal Devil, and the OFC is a witch named LUNA with moderate physical description.
Summary: OFC is a witch who is a member of an elite coven who take their relationship with their Dark Lord quite seriously. This upper echelon of witches practice the darkest of magic and initiation to their circle involves a wedding ceremony that has them pledging their lives and bodies in unholy union to Lucifer himself. What happens when one of his brides (ofc) calls upon her betrothed for help one Halloween night? Will the Devil rise to save her? And what will be the cost of his rescue?
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Satanic worship, witchcraft, SEX, satanic panic seduction, coercion, DubCon, monsters of the blood-drinking variety, talk of blood, violence, and death.
A/N: Entirely based on a dream I had last year but never got around to writing it. Is it Joel Miller, or is it just Pedro in a black suit? I don't know, who cares? Just enjoy it (or don't). Happy Halloween!!
The clouds part just as she steps out into the chilly October air, showcasing the sliver of the waning crescent moon hanging precariously in the sky. A breeze gusts down the alley, scraping leaves along the pavement and blowing her skirt tightly against her ankles. She pulls her maroon cloak over her head and forces herself against the wind, heading towards the warm glow of the sidewalk streetlamp.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home, Luna?” a tender voice calls from behind her.
She turns towards the voice, her friend and fellow witch Jadis following her out of their coven’s late-night gathering. The shorter witch’s honey-colored eyes probe as she tucks her lower lip between her teeth. Her rich, dark skin blends completely with the alley but begins to look like melted chocolate as the orange glow of the street crosses her rounded face. Jadis draws her cloak tight around her middle, mumbling about the cold and the hour of the meeting’s conclusion.
“You live in the opposite direction than I do,��� Luna says, forcing a smile on her cheeks against the numbing chill of the wind, whipping violently now that they’re out in the open.
“I just worry about you walking all that way alone-”
“It’s Halloween, my friend,” she interrupts. “The streets are full of revelers.”
“But it’s 3am!” her friend counters.
“Then the streets will be full of drunks,” she says, clapping her hands together and silencing any further refutation from her worrisome cohort. “I shall be perfectly fine, just as I always am.”
They part ways with a hug and the lone witch cinches her hood tighter, marching down the street against the wind with her head held high. She makes it to the edge of the cemetery, humming a tune in harmony with the whistling wind, before she starts to have regrets about her late-night walk. It’s not the temperature of the biting air, the tedious walk through the village to her little part of the woods, or the spookiness of the creeping fog rolling through the wrought-iron gate that runs alongside the stiff gravestones. It’s partly the snickering she keeps hearing popping up behind her - potentially drunk frat boys about to play games with the wrong witch, but mostly the wet shoe she’s currently plodding on - having just stepped ankle-deep into a freezing puddle formed between the broken sidewalk stones.
“Girl,” she hears them whisper for the tenth time.
She looks ahead of her just in time to see a large dark figure curl around the tall brick column that marks the entrance gate of the cemetery. Great, she thinks, they got brave enough to come out and play. She stealthily moves her hand to her inner pocket, grabbing hold of a small vial of a special brew she concocted for situations such as this. She sees his pale painted face contort into a nefarious grin, the dim lights dotting the street glinting off his elongated canines. Another Twilight fan, she groans, rolling her eyes in the shadow of her cloak.
“Little red riding hood,” the fiend croons, stepping out onto the sidewalk.
She hears the scraping footsteps of at least two of his friends closing in behind her.
“Sorry Sparkles, I’ve got a date with the big bad wolf,” she mutters, attempting to step around him.
His cold hand reaches out faster than she expected, grabbing onto her arm. Cursing, she tries to pull her arm free from his grip but hears his nails ripping against the fabric of her cloak. What kind of claws did this guy put on tonight? She thinks he must be sobering up from whatever party he skulked out of, because his hold remains firm and he yanks her back to face him. She hears the scuffling come to a halt behind her, as his companions resume their snickering laughter.
“Don’t be rude,” he draws each word out purposefully.
A thought occurs to her that bruising her arm with his grip might actually be what is considered rude, but she doesn’t bother to voice it. Mortals can be so irksome when they’ve imbibed enough alcohol to embolden their twisted desires and put action to troubling behaviors. Pulling it out of her cloak, she lifts her unrestrained arm high, the small vial clutched tight in her hand, and drops it to the ground swiftly.
It breaks open with a soft tinkle, dark smoke rising from the cobbled stones, obscuring her surroundings and sending her would-be attackers into a coughing fit. She feels his hold loosen as she slips her arm away, stepping aside and darting into the cemetery gate beyond, leaving them behind to suffer her spell. She manages to stifle the laugh that bubbles up inside her and slinks along the pathway in the ancient resting place, ducking under old tree boughs and over wet blades of overgrown grass.
A short while later she finds herself nearing the back edge of the cemetery, the western woods looming just beyond. She would have preferred to take the worn pathways into the forest - her forest - to trek back to her cozy cottage home, but those bothersome boys have changed her plans. No matter, this way will be faster, she’ll just have to deal with cleaning the mud off her shoes and clothes when she gets home. She reaches to unlatch the creaking gate at the back fence, its lock long since broken, when freezing cold fingers lace over her bare arm.
“Not so fast, little witch,” he hisses.
She gasps a breath that doesn’t fill her lungs. How did he escape the effects of her potion? The tall, pale-faced man stands before her once again. She looks down at his hand, ghostly white against her skin, darkened veins showing even in the low light, and long dirty nails sharpened to a dangerous point. It doesn’t really look like a costume now that she’s up close. She drags her eyes to his face, noting the dark hollows in his cheeks and under his eyes. His coal-black eyes. His dark red mouth twists into a smile once again and she is beginning to think his sharp incisors aren’t part of a costume either.
“Monster,” she spits. “Unhand me.”
She spins out of the way just as one of the others snaps his jaws next to her ear, missing his target. With her arm still ensnared she is unable to move very far, and collides into the chest of the third, a rotten scent wafting off him hitting her nostrils as she stumbles towards the ground. Out of the clutches of the creature once again, she scuttles back, cornering herself against an old sunken grave with a broken headstone.
She reaches her left hand out in front of her, palm facing them, momentarily halting their movements. The plain band on her fourth finger glints off the moonlight, catching her attention. It gives her an idea.
“You bloodsuckers don’t know who you’re messing with, do you?” she hums, cracking a sideways smile.
The two giggling figures skip around her in circles as the towering demon lowers his face to meet hers, a wet smirk curving his face into a twisted visage.
“Why don’t you enlighten us,” he replies.
“My husband is-”
Her next words are replaced by a piercing shriek, as the fangs of one of the beasts connect with the left side of her neck. She feels his sharp teeth ripping through her delicate skin and the pain burns across her in a fiery wave. Before she can fight him off, the grinning ghoul in front of her grabs her arm yet again, the left one with the simple golden ring, sinking his greedy maw into her wrist. Sharp pain shoots up her arm and her lungs empty on a scream. She sucks in air to cry out again but a filthy hand is clamped over her mouth first, muting the wail she attempts when the third monster’s teeth pierce the flesh of her other arm just above her elbow.
She lies on her back on the ground, the pain searing through her quickly giving way to a numbness washing across her skin. With the cool soothing of the pain comes a stilling calm, altogether paralyzing her from fighting back or even wanting to. The grimy hand slides from her lips as her mouth fails to make any additional sounds. My husband, she mouths the words. Her eyes drift to her left hand, her wedding ring just beyond the monster’s head still reflecting light, even as blood drips from her wrist across her fingers.
He’s going to kill you, she thinks, unable to even form words now.
The cemetery has turned dark and she slowly realizes that she must have closed her eyes. She can still hear the wind whipping through the trees, creaking branches and blowing dried leaves against the fence nearby. There are no other noises among the silent tombs other than the sloppy slurping noises of the three vampires who are draining her body.
She sees a dim light in the distance, like a flickering candle. No, she thinks, it can’t be a candle because her eyes are closed. She watches the candle getting closer to her, or maybe she’s getting closer to it. The bright orange glow from the candle becomes clearer as it nears, until finally she sees it right in front of her.
It’s a solitary tapered black candle, gently burning as wax drips slowly along its side. It’s just like the candle she lit at her initiation ceremony, she thinks. The coven of witches she belongs to is elite and extremely difficult to join. Her aunt had extended the invite when she showed rare magical aptitude as a teenager. Only second daughters can join, as the condition of induction was to pledge your body, mind, and life in unholy matrimony to the Dark Lord Lucifer himself. She was honored to be chosen and after many years of apprenticeship, she lit the black candle on a full moon a little over a year ago. It was identical to the candle she is looking at now, the candle she lit at her wedding to the Devil.
The flame before her suddenly gutters and goes out, leaving her in complete darkness.
She feels it before she senses anything else, the warmth spreading across her face, radiating out from her lips. Her cheeks burn against the freezing wind and her hair, no longer bound by her cloak, tickles wispy tendrils across her forehead. Long moments pass as the warmth spreads and finally she opens her eyes, suddenly swallowing a scream. Except she can’t scream. There is a man pressing his lips to hers.
She is being kissed by a stranger.
A man with deep espresso eyes meets her gaze, dark curly hair falling over his forehead. He pulls back from her, his facial hair tickling her lip as his mouth curls into a shy smile.
“Welcome back” his voice, thick as syrup, coats her consciousness.
“I-,” she starts, realizing that the warmth is now spreading down her chest, across her stomach, and flowing into her arms and legs. “Did I-”
“Die?” he finishes quietly. “Yeah.”
Her eyes widen, the sharp teeth of the creatures coming back to the forefront of her mind. She looks around frantically, suddenly worried they might return to rip into her flesh and drain her dry.
“They’re gone,” he answers the question she didn’t ask.
He rises up onto his feet, and she sees he’s dressed in all black. He wears pressed black trousers and shiny dress shoes that somehow don’t have a speck of mud on them. He tugs on his black suit jacket, straightening it, and presses his hand over his black shirt and tie, smoothing out invisible wrinkles. This man looks like he just came from a fancy gala, she thinks, not that he was just crouched over her lifeless form in a dirty cemetery.
He reaches his hands out to her and she surprisingly takes them without question, allowing him to help her to her shaky feet. Before she can protest he wraps an arm around her waist and although part of her wants to object she knows that she wouldn’t be able to remain standing if he hadn’t done so.
“Let me walk you home,” he says softly, guiding her to the back gate and basically carrying her along the neglected path into the woods.
She doesn’t speak, although her mind is racing a mile a minute. Did she really die? She remembers being attacked by the vampires and not being able to fight them off but she doesn’t remember what happened after that. She weakly raises her left hand up, inspecting her wrist and seeing nothing but unblemished skin absent of any marks including any dried blood that should be there, remembering how it ran in rivulets from the monster’s wet lips. She brings her fingers to her neck, brushing them over smooth skin there as well. It would seem that her bite wounds have somehow been healed and she has been cleaned of any and all evidence of her attack.
Who in the world is this man, she wonders. Maybe the vampires left and he luckily showed up just in time, perhaps reviving her somehow. He certainly doesn’t look like someone who just fought off three bloodsucking beasts and how could he anyways, without being attacked himself? It isn’t until they reach the clearing in the woods where her small cottage sits, a lantern on the porch giving off a warm glow, that she realizes she never told him where she lived.
She pulls away, feeling a bit stronger now, and wanting to distance herself from the seemingly kind but rather unusual man who has inexplicably returned her to her secluded abode. Wait, was that mouth-to-mouth or was he kissing her when she was dead? She gives him a sideways glance and plasters the most polite smile she can manage onto her face. Smoothing strands of her tousled hair away from her face, she turns to him and her eyes widen as the man in black reaches forward and plucks a leaf out of her hair. He drops it, letting the wind carry it away as he smiles sweetly at her, looking harmless as a lamb.
“Thank you for-,”
“What is your name?” he interrupts.
“Oh-, I-, Luna,” she stammers, caught off guard by his inquiry.
“Luna,” he repeats, drawing her name out as he wraps his lips around the vowels.
“Yes, and thank you for-” she attempts again, trailing off as he slowly steps around her, continuing to walk towards her porch. “-for helping me, I guess,” she finishes, turning to follow him while wondering what she’s really thanking him for. Did he save her? “I don’t know how to repay you,” she speaks to his back as he climbs up the steps, “but I’m thankful for your assistance.”
“Do you live out here all alone?” he asks, ignoring the gratitude she’s attempting.
“That’s-,” none of your business, she thinks. She doesn’t want to be rude so instead she says, “this cottage has been in my family for generations.”
It’s not a lie. She is - in fact - the only member of her family living in the one-bedroom dwelling right now but it has been lived in by members of her family for over two hundred years.
“It’s not safe for a young girl to be out here alone in the woods,” he says, reaching for the handle and opening the door she knows she locked when she left the house earlier today with no resistance.
She wants to protest that she can take care of herself, which is her usual response when people say things like this, but given what has transpired tonight she bites her tongue. Instead she follows him as he enters her home without invitation, drawn into the main room. She watches as he closely inspects framed photos on the walls, touches the spines of old books on her bookshelf, and toggles the flue of her chimney as he passes the hearth.
She wants to ask him to leave. No, she wants to physically shoo him out of her home. Who does this man think he is and what right does he have to waltz into her home and parade around as if it were his own? She reaches towards the vial in her pocket only to bitterly recall having already used it tonight in her attempt to disable her attackers.
She follows a way behind him, straightening what he’s poking out of alignment and trying to ignore her growing sense of unease. She looks up at the man in black to find him stopped and standing very close to her. She gasps in a sharp breath as he seems to examine her with a curious stare. A long moment of silence passes as a gentle smile builds on his face. She pushes past the knots forming in her stomach in an awkward attempt to match his gesture.
“You’re married?” he asks.
“What?” Her brows knit, surprised by the query.
“You were mumbling about a husband when I found you,” he explains, pointing to the golden ring on her finger as further evidence.
“Oh, I-,” and she pauses, unsure of how to proceed.
She turns towards the fireplace, using the hand he motioned towards to push some dust around the thick wooden mantle. She curses herself. She should have said she lived here with her husband when he asked if she was alone but he’s already come to the conclusion she is the solitary occupant of the tiny cottage. But she is wearing a wedding ring and he apparently heard her talking about her husband in the cemetery. She can’t very well explain to this mortal man in black that she’s married to the Devil, he’ll come back with a pitchfork carrying mob. Best case scenario is she winds up in a psych hospital and worst case is that she becomes kindling.
Wait, how did he hear her talking about her husband, she thinks? She only remembers mentioning him to the vampires before the attack and then any words beyond that didn’t seem to leave her mind.
She whips back around to find him standing even closer now and before she can react he grabs her left hand in his. She opens her mouth to scream but he lifts her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss right over her wedding band. A warmth spreads across her hand and up her arm, jolting her body as images play across her mind.
Her body lay bloodless over the damp soil of someone else’s grave. Three greedy ghouls, licking crimson from their craws, eyes glistening with glee. The thrashing wind comes to an eerie still and the man in black materializes in the shadows of a nearby willow. He stalks silently but the creatures see him coming and let out a loud hiss, frantically fleeing at the mere sight of him. The man in black raises his hand, snapping his fingers, and white-hot flames instantly engulf each vampire. He stops to watch them burning, their tormented howls piercing the night, until they are nothing but shadows and ash carried away on the breeze. He moves to his knees at her side, touching the ring on her left hand reverently, before he leans down and places his lips over hers.
She takes in a deep breath, her lantern-lit cabin coming back into focus around her, the man in black still bowed slightly in front of her, lips against her hand. He raises his head and his rich brown eyes meet hers once more, only this time she knows exactly who she’s looking at.
“Hello, wife,” he smiles sweetly.
Her eyebrows climb up her forehead as she attempts to pull back her hand from his gentle grip, which tightens in response over her delicate fingers. She’s no longer a stranger to the true nature of the man in black who stands in front of her, having sacrificed her immortal soul to him in order to draw on his supernatural influence to fuel her dark magic. But to have him actually standing in her living room, the raw power radiating off him is enough to make her bones ache, and she finds herself stunned and a bit scared. She continues to try and wriggle out of his crushing grip until he stills her with his words.
“Aren’t you lonely out here all alone?” he questions, his lips still upturned into a saccharine grin.
“No I-, I prefer to be alone,” she stutters.
“Is that why you want me to leave even though I just got here?” his mouth turns to a frown.
“No!” She exclaims. “I don’t want you to leave, I just-”
“I did exactly what you wanted, didn’t I?” He lets go of her as he begins to circle her in the small space. “You wanted me to destroy those monsters who dared to lay a finger on you and I did. And then I fixed you up good as new. Well… almost” he winks at her as he tucks a loose strand of her messy hair behind her ear.
“Yes, I was-,” she shakes her head, the nerves sending a hot wave up her neck to burn at her cheeks. “Thank you,” she stammers.
“You don’t have to thank me, wife,” he hums. “I always take care of what’s mine.”
“Yours…” she trails off.
“Yes,” he smiles. “You are.” He strokes his fingers against her cheek, so warm against her still-chilled skin. “You were saying something about repayment and I think I’d like to make a request.” His smile is sickly sweet once again, boring deep into her.
“Oh-,” she starts before he grabs both her hands in his, silencing her.
“I think I’d like another kiss.”
Another, she thinks, because their first kiss was when she was… deceased.
“Yes,” he continues as if reading her thoughts. “Our first kiss felt like ‘Snow White and the Prince who woke her from her slumber’. But our story isn’t a fairytale, is it my dear bride?”
“No,” she whispers tentatively.
“No,” he agrees. “Our story is one of dedication,” he places his large, warm hands on her shoulders. “Of adoration,” he continues, pushing down until she sinks to her knees. “Of worship,” she tilts her chin to look up at his dark gaze above her now. “And that deserves a very different kind of kiss, don’t you agree?”
She manages to nod her head slightly as he reaches to unbuckle his belt. Watching as he unzips his trousers and pulls himself out of his pants, she’s not surprised to see how well-endowed he is but is a bit shocked at how stiff he’s already become.
He cups his right hand around her neck, pushing his length towards her face with his other hand. She finds herself pursing her lips together in a kiss only to have him push past them into her empty mouth. Of course she knew what he wanted, not just a kiss, but she’s still feeling a bit disoriented. He makes tentative, shallow thrusts while her hands rest on the front of his thighs before she hears him muttering above her through clenched teeth.
“Come now, wife, I thought you were grateful.”
She reaches to grip him and puts some effort into her ministrations. It’s not that she’s inexperienced but it has been a while since she was with a man, since before her wedding ceremony certainly. When she pledged her body to the Dark Lord, she certainly wasn’t envisioning having to perform an act such as this. However, she figures the best course of action is to not just let him take what he wants, but to give him an unforgettable experience. It's in her best interest to show him how appreciative she really is of his rescue.
She pulls her head back, swirling her tongue over his tip, while pumping him firmly with one hand. When she hears him moan in response and grab her hair in his fist, she knows she’s on the right track. She flattens her tongue along her bottom teeth and lets him guide her head up and down, taking him deeper with each pass until she begins to make choked gagging noises.
He lets go and she pants, wiping away the drool that now streaks her chin and hears him chuckle above her at the sound of her gasping breaths. Before she can stop herself, she scratches her nails down his thighs, probably harder than she should have given the fact that he’s the Prince of Darkness. A hissing intake of breath is followed by a deep, rumbling laugh that seems to reverberate off the walls of the small cabin and vibrate deep in her chest, and then his hand is back in her hair in a rough, twisting tug.
He shoves himself past her lips in one go this time, hitting the back of her throat with a gurgle and this time she lets him use her mouth like a toy, grabbing at his ass and holding on tightly. This goes on for several agonizing minutes, him allowing her to gulp in much-needed air in between the rough, dominating ramming of his pelvis into her chin. Finally she hears him cry out just as he pulls away, immediately grabbing himself tightly at the base of his shaft and shaking his head.
“Oh, that was close,” he says breathlessly, laughing without humor. “That lovely mouth of yours is so decadent, wife, that I almost lost control.”
Good, she thinks, and she can’t stop the smug smile that creeps across her face.
“Proud of yourself my little witch?” He tilts her chin up to meet his eyes, brushing away escaped saliva from her cheek. “Let’s see what happens when you’re the one being so deliciously tormented.”
At this point she has no idea what to expect of him but grabbing her off the floor and throwing her over his shoulders was certainly not something she anticipated, so the surprised wail that escapes her lips is almost inaudible to human ears. She hears him chuckle yet again as they pass through the door concealed as a bookcase to carry her into her bedroom. The man in black walks through this home as if he owns it, she thinks, before she recalls herself bowing before a black altar and offering everything she possesses in service to him.
Perhaps this house is more his than hers, she recognizes, as she hears him hum in agreement to a thought she didn’t speak out loud. Before she can question his possible reading of her thoughts she’s deposited onto her four-poster bed, with its velvet emerald curtains wrapped around walnut-hued spires, vines carved in swirls around them. Her vision focuses on the man in black before her only to realize that he’s no longer wearing a stitch of clothing. She opens her mouth to speak but her eyes catch on her own body, laid bare in front of him.
“How- ohhh,” her questioning is cut short when he dives forward, spreading her legs and latching his mouth to her core in one fluid movement.
He drags his tongue up her seam and then closes his lips around her sensitive nub. He begins to pulse his tongue against her and she is unable to stop herself from immediately crying out in pleasure. She’s positive that he knows exactly what he’s doing when in under sixty seconds her back is already bowing off the bed, her nails digging into the sheets, her voice crying out in ecstasy.
He pulls back and gently places kisses on the insides of her thighs, she feels the warm huffing breath of his laughter blowing across her wetness. He gives her a short moment of reprieve before he slowly pushes a gloriously thick finger into her wet heat, moving to swirl his tongue across her overstimulated bundle of nerves. He lets her writhe and wiggle, attempting to move away only until the sensitivity fades and she finds herself grinding her center towards his face for more.
Somehow she has her wits about her enough to grab his hair this time, eliciting a hum of approval from him that she feels vibrate against her. She’s proud to see that she’s able to hold out a bit longer before her orgasm tips her over the edge, but her ego crumbles when instead of stopping he continues his ministrations to bring a third crashing wave of pleasure immediately after the second.
Delicious torment, indeed.
He pulls his face back again, glistening with her arousal and smiles a devilish grin, his pupils blown so wide that his eyes are nearly black. He roams up her body, placing kisses that feel more like bites than smooches, devouring with his eyes what his mouth can’t reach.
“Husband,” she keens, the desperation in her voice unfamiliar to her ears.
The responding growl that escapes his chest seems to shake not only the room but the entire forest around them, vibrating deep into the wood foundation. He grabs her ankles and spreads her legs obscenely wide, notching his thick head at her entrance and sliding it back and forth, coating himself in her wetness. He waits until she’s clawing at his chest, head thrown back and begging him in frenzied babbles, and only then does he finally push himself into the clutch of her.
“My magnificent mate, what an agreeable display of thankfulness you’ve given me today,” he proclaims, setting a fervent pace. “So welcoming to your dark angel, eagerly performing such valued wifely duties for him,” he continues to prattle, more for his sake than her own since all she can manage in response is frenzied moaning. “Perhaps I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you, my wanton little witch.”
He pushes on the back of her legs, driving her knees towards her chest and hitting inside her at a new angle that causes her to scream out in bliss. She wraps her own arms around her legs, holding them tight to her as he mutters words of encouragement and praise. She feels another orgasm building inside her, starting as a tingle at the base of her spine.
He leans forward and spans his large hand across her throat. “Whose pussy is this?” he asks, giving her no time to respond before he’s demanding more answers. “Who’s the only one who gets you down on your knees? Who is the only one who makes you come? Who do you belong to? Who? Who?”
She manages to scratch out a long wail of “you,” beneath the pressure of his hold before she starts to tremble and break apart, coming again in a seizing crest. In a half growl he demands she open her mouth and when she enthusiastically obeys he leans over her and spits, gripping tightly at her neck to feel her strained swallow. Only then does he let himself lose control, grabbing her hips with a bruising grip and pounding away half a dozen more times before he lets loose a roaring release, pumping his warm spend deep inside her.
She pads out of the shower, head and body wrapped in warm towels, and comes across her amorous husband perched on the edge of the bed once again dressed in his all-black ensemble. She sees him looking into the nightstand drawer he has opened and before he can reach his hand in to grab what she’s sure is something she’d be rather embarrassed to have to explain, she clears her throat. His hands still but he doesn’t appear surprised by her presence, likely having no qualms about being caught peeping through her unmentionables.
Wordlessly, he shoots her a glare, displaying ire that is no doubt driven by the trove of sex toys he’s just discovered stashed away in her bedside drawer. She shrugs and heads to her dresser, turning her back on him to pull out her pajamas and giving what she hopes is a flippant but playful reply.
“Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself when I’m alone.”
He says nothing in response but she hears a throaty rumble and notices the flames dance higher for a moment in response. She turns to find him behind her, although she didn’t hear him approach, so close now that she can feel the heat of his body radiating onto her skin. He pulls the towel loose from her hair and caresses the side of her face, tucking some loose strands behind her ear. She bumps backwards against the dresser but stills as he leans forward and places a gentle kiss onto her forehead.
“Are you leaving?” she asks, hating the disappointment she hears evident in her voice.
“I have things to attend to, but worry not darling wife, I will return to you,” he speaks against her forehead and she isn’t sure if the flip her stomach does is from excitement or fear of his promise. “Be careful out here in these woods alone, it’s just not safe,” he echoes his earlier sentiment and she nods her head silently in a placating gesture.
She shuffles her slippered feet, seeing him to the door and watches him as he walks until his dark form reaches the edge of the glow of the lantern lights and he slips back into the shadows.
“I can’t believe it,” Jadis guffaws, having listened to Luna’s entire recalling of the events of Halloween night.
“I swear to you, every word is true,” she lies, having told her friend the truth of the evening almost a fortnight ago up until the moment the man in black pushed her to her knees. Something about how the night ended made the whole encounter feel even more unbelievable, so she twisted the truth a bit to tell a story of a grateful wife ending the night with a chaste kiss instead.
“No, I can’t believe you waited two weeks to tell me about it!” the small witch exclaims loudly, both of them erupting into a fit of laughter, the hysterics sending the small car wobbling in its lane. “Did you tell the coven elders about it?” she wonders, having finally gotten a hold on her laughter and the steering wheel.
“Oh, Gods no,” Luna deflects. “This sort of thing is probably so commonplace, I wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m bragging.”
But that was another lie. She knew damn well that if the Morning Star himself had ever appeared before any of the other witches in her coven that entire memoirs would have been written about it, let alone engaged in the manner of acts that he had with her. She felt heat passing across her cheeks as her mind flashed through memories of them together. As for telling the coven, she was never one to brag and she didn’t want to set off any jealousies.
Technically they were all married to him, each and every one of a long line of witches having given themselves over to him and while it gave them deep and lasting power, he’d never bestowed any personal gifts upon any of them. In nearly two centuries of recorded history of their coven, he had never whispered sweet nothings on the wind, sprouted flowers in a garden on an anniversary, or intervened at all in any of their daily lives.
Even while she practices this internal rationalization with herself she knows that it is also a lie and that the real reason she's kept it secret is that his visit to her had made her feel special. It made her feel like she might really be the powerful witch she’d been told she was while growing up and that even their Dark Lord took unique notice of her. It made her feel cared for, perhaps a feeling intensified by her solitary lifestyle and etched into her mind by his repeated reminders of her being “all alone in the woods”.
She remembers the way his warmth spread across her as he placed his lips over hers and the mischief that danced in his eyes when he stood above her in her living room. A buzzing feeling spreads down her chest and settles deep in her belly as she recalls the way he coaxed pleasure from her over and over again, and his delightful threat to keep a closer eye on her plays on repeat in her mind.
Loud sirens sound behind them, knocking her from her reverie and startling Jadis into quickly pulling over on the side of the road. Two large fire trucks speed by them, blaring horns and flashing lights. Behind them follow several police cars and two smaller fire department trucks. Once the raucous cavalcade passes, Jadis pulls back onto the road and follows along the darkening route out of town.
A short drive later as the car meanders along the winding drive into the woods, the fading sunlight gives way to quite a spectacle ahead of them. The woods ahead seem to be glowing a magnificent orange while red and blue lights flash blindingly against the tree trunks. A heavy fog obscurs the view as bundled figures run from truck to truck, dragging hoses around and shouting muffled orders from behind helmets with face masks.
Not fog… smoke.
Her woods are on fire. Her cottage is on fire. She ignores Jadis’ protests and jumps from the passenger seat of the car before it has even stopped moving, vaulting herself towards her home. Before she can get close she feels large arms wrap around her middle, stopping her forward movement as two firemen approach her with their arms out, trying to calm her down. Eventually she settles and the man holding her, dressed head to toe in firefighter gear, releases his grip around her while keeping one hand gently on her shoulder.
When the blaze is finally extinguished she lets the fireman who has comforted her guide her around the smoldering perimeter of what was her centuries-old home. The inferno had burned hot and quick and she doesn’t recognize anything to be salvageable, save for the cast iron cauldron she sees sitting among the fallen hearthstones. She turns to him in the dark, his face completely hidden behind his mask, and sees only her own image reflected in his visor; trails of tears streak her soot-covered cheeks and strands of hair chaotically twist in the wind, matching the mood of the evening.
She feels more tears stinging at her eyes and lets the broad-shouldered fireman turn her away from the sight of the destruction, tugging her against his smoke-scented jacket and tapping a gentle hand on her back in sympathy. She feels herself break open and let go, sobbing deeply into this stranger’s shoulder for several minutes before she takes deep breaths and slowly collects herself.
A tall, tie-wearing fireman approaches her alongside a shorter man sporting a police uniform and a very thick mustache. She turns to them, sniffling and wiping her tears from her face.
“Is there anywhere we can take you, Miss?” the officer questions with a nasally voice.
“Do you want us to call anyone, your husband maybe?” the warm voice beside her asks.
“Oh, sorry ma’am, I didn’t see the ring,” the officer apologizes.
“They think the fire may have originated from the nightstand in the bedroom, but the fire investigators are still working,” the tall man speaks in a deep soothing voice while she focuses on the glinting badge pinned to his chest that reads 'Fire Chief'.
“Can we take you back into town?” the officer continues. “Maybe there’s a hotel or somewhere your husband can meet up with you?”
She sniffles, the mention of her husband stinging at her wounded pride. The man in black had been attentive enough to bring her back from the dead but apparently not to stop her home from burning to the ground. Keep a closer eye, my ass, she thinks bitterly. She wants to be upset but a part of her tries to rationalize that she should still be grateful that he intervened at all on that violent Halloween eve. However, tonight’s events have the euphoric high of the last two weeks quickly wearing off, and she feels another jab of hurt that he hasn’t tried to contact her once since he left.
“I can drive you to your Aunt’s house,” a small voice speaks up behind her, and Luna emerges from the fog of her thoughts to realize that Jadis has been here the whole time.
Fresh tears spill down her cheeks as she nods a small thanks, taking her friend’s outstretched hand and letting herself be guided back towards the little car parked down the drive.
“Hey,” she hears a shy voice speak up.
She turns around to see the familiar broad-shoulders of the fireman who has been her companion for hours. He takes large steps, coming to stand right in front of her in the drive and Jadis continues on to wait in the car, giving them privacy.
“Be careful, okay?” he pleads, and she opens her mouth to tell him she’ll be fine. “It’s not safe for a young girl to be out here alone in the woods,” he finishes, reaching a gloved hand forward to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
She freezes, watching her own eyes go wide in the reflection of his visor. She reaches a hand forward slowly, grabbing the bottom of the mask. When he makes no move to stop her, she flips it up, knocking his helmet off of his head in the process. She knows what she’s expecting to see under the mask, or rather who she is expecting to see.
What she doesn’t expect is for the entire uniform to collapse in front of her very eyes, landing in a limp pile on the ground at her feet as if nothing but a spectre had inhabited it. With shaking hands she leans down and grabs a small white paper sticking out of the collar of the empty jacket. She flips it over in her trembling fingers, reading it several times. It’s a business card for Joel Miller, a familiar face smiling from a photo on one side of the card. The Devil’s in the Details, Inc., it says, and below that is written ‘Home Building & Realty’, along with a local address and phone number.
On the back of the card is a handwritten note:
I always take care of what’s mine. xx - your loving husband
#devil!joel miller#Witch!OFC#Devil!Joel#joel miller x ofc#noxturnalnymph#joel miller smut#joel miller#pedro pascal characters#spooky season
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looks like that kid knows about paranormal activity :0
#art#my art#ttte duck#duck the great western engine#ttte donald#donald the scottish twin#donald x duck#thomas the tank engine#thomas and friends human au#sodor uk#ttte#my comic#horror comic#halloween#witches#witchcraft#the devil#satan
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-A Deal With The Devil-
-Trigger Warnings: Dud-Con, Sexual Content, Size Difference, Mentions of Claws, oral sex
-Pairings: Demon! Male x gn Witch! reader
Only an orange glow of candle light lit up the sight in front of me. His yellow eyes stared up at me with hunger, claws digging into my thighs as his tongue dipped deeper into my depths. Reaching every spot it can, he left no crevice untouched as if he was claiming me for himself. This wasn't how I thought this would go. All I wanted was a simple contract to help me with my endeavors, instead I have this demonic creature on his knees, groaning at the taste of me.
Many would say my thirst for knowledge knows no bounds for what I am about to attempt but others would say I'm just plain stupid and maybe I am. It's not every day that you call on the forces of hell to help you with discovering the secrets of the universe and accomplish your life goals but I also guess for my kind it's just as natural as adopting a new cat. Though this cat is much larger and has a few tricks up its sleeves that most definitely shouldn't be taken lightly unless you want to be left with a few less limbs.
In a cottage, I knelt beside a pentagram that sat in the midst of a circle of dark red candles. A book of seances and spells sat in my hands. My courage to go on with the summons was starting to slowly fade as everything became a bit more real but the thoughts of what I'd gain from this pushed me to finally start the chanting.
After a while I had gotten to the end of the lengthy paragraphs written in old latin. Nothing happened. Not even a flicker of candle light. ‘Great, Well this was a waste of time’ I thought as I stood from my kneeling position moving to start cleaning up the mess I had made, no need to start an unwanted conspiracy by someone stumbling upon this sight.
Just as I was about to smudge a line in the pentagram a strong light emitted from it painting the walls of the room in blood red. My wonder was short lived for just like it had started in only a few seconds it was gone even sooner.
My eyes took a couple of seconds to adjust again but once they did what stood before me left me in awe. A beautiful man was standing there and a scowl of what looked to be annoyance sat on his pale face. He narrowed his brightly glowing eyes at me examining my body and then moving to the room around us, glancing and inspecting every crevice yet not moving a foot from where he stood. ‘Why have I been summoned, Witch.’ he spat out the word ‘witch’ with absolute disgust, crossing his arms in the process. “I-i-i…..” I stammered trying to get the words out but failing miserably. “Well! Spit it out, I don't have all day!” His annoyance with this whole situation seemed to increase exponentially more with every passing second. “I-um I want to make a contract with you!” The end of my sentence came out rushed and more demanding than I had wanted.
He crosses his arms and stands straighter, looming over me. “You, an insolent little witch, want to make a contract with me?” “Yes, I do.” I straighten my posture as well, looking up into his golden eyes. “I want you to help me with my discoveries, I want knowledge and nothing more.” I started to get a bit more confident but the sudden condescending laugh he let out diminished that quickly. “And what do you have that I would want in return for giving you this ‘knowledge’ that you desperately seek?” I froze, I had entirely forgotten that I needed to give something in exchange. How could I forget this?!
Most witches would use a valuable object or artifact in return for the demon's help but I had yet to obtain anything of the sort. I didn't have anything that would be of value to a demon, all that I really owned was myself and the clothes on my back, everything else belonged to the coven. Wait. “Well, what do you have, little witch?” This may be the stupidest idea ever but this is my last and only chance. “I'll give you myself.” “What?” He looked down at me with shock and confusion. “My body and soul are yours if only you complete my requests and help me in my endeavors!” his shock turns into a smug grin mockingly. “Do you even know what you are proposing little witch?” “Yes-yes I do!” I'm unsure of what he means by that. I'm basically offering myself up as a puppet for his biddings. “I'm unsure if you know the extent of what you have offered me but I guess that's more fun.” confusion washes across my face. Damn demons and their games. “Well, do you agree?” He closes his eyes, holding his chin in between his clawed thumb and pointer finger in thought. “It seems with such a precious offer I have no other choice but to accept.” He purred, holding out his hand to seal the contract between us. I lift mine into his and as he holds my hand our difference in size becomes even more noticeable. He could break me in half with little to no effort.
Our hands were wrapped in a golden light, scaring the skin below and ceiling the contract with it. I had moved to pull my hand from his, he had different plans. Pulling my smaller frame into his chest and bringing his mouth to my ear he spoke. “I think it's time to show you exactly what you have offered up.” I still was utterly confused as to what he was talking about but everything became more obvious to what he had been alluding to when his tongue licked up the side of my ear, his teeth nibbling on the tip causing a moan to ripple from throat. My hands came up to my mouth, horrified at the noise I had just made. The demon chuckled, prying my hands off my mouth. “Don't hide those pretty noises from me, little witch.” With those growled words a blush had made its way to my face and a fog of lust began to wash over my mind.
He went back to his work, licking at the shell of my ear then moving downwards leaving kisses and bites in his path. As he got to the base of my neck he sucked hard enough to leave a deep bruise that would be noticeable to anyone who even glanced at it, in a way, he seemed to be marking me as his.
He was slow with his actions but they were calculated and rough, making me shiver with pure pleasure. No matter how much one half of me wanted to refuse, I just couldn't bring myself to, not even as he removed my shirt and made his way down to my chest. Not even as his tongue circled around my nipple, sucking and nibbling at it while his hand tugged and twisted the other between his fingers. I had no knowledge of just how sensitive I was until this very moment, with both the work of his mouth and hands sending waves after waves of pleasure towards my nethers. My knees had begun to buckle underneath me but before I had the chance to be taken by the pleasure completely and fall to the ground below, he caught me in his arms leading me to lay on the wooden planks of the cottage as he finished stripping me of my clothing.
He knelt between my legs spreading my thighs apart, groaning at the sight of my throbbing hole. He wasted no time in dipping his head down and liking at my entrance causing a moan to fall from my lips. He lifted his golden eyes to look at me, a smirk forming on his face as he plunged his tongue into my depths not moving his eyes away from me.
My head whipped back as I held myself up on my elbows. His tongue licked over every inch of my insides not leaving anything untouched, claiming everything he could reach. Hitting every pleasurable spot inside me, taking all I am for his own and leaving me only wanting more so much more. “Please please!” He pulled his tongue out from my hole leaving me whining to be filled again. “Please what? Use your words little witch.” “Please, more.” I whined just wanting something inside me. “Hmm I don't think you deserve more just yet.” What was he talking about? He can't be serious, is he really playing games right now? “Fuck! I'll do anything Just do something!” I yelled out in frustration. “I don't like being ordered around, little witch.” He growled lowly as he pulled me up by my hair, shoving my face into his crotch. His hard cock resting against my cheek. “Suck.” He commanded. I didn't fight back, licking a line up to his head and then suckling on the tip. Swirling my tongue as he groaned, putting his hand on the back of my head and shoving me down his length till my nose hit his pelvis.
As I was Gagging and struggling to breath he pulled back thrusting into my throat again. I breathed through my nose as he continued his relentless thrusts. My fingernails digging into his thighs leaving crescent indents. Tears pricked my eyes with the strength he was using, my lips starting to get sore. As his thrusts started to spasm he shoved his whole cock in my mouth when a thick warm liquid ran down my throat. “Swallow.” he demanded, then removed his length from my mouth. I did as he said, gulping down the salty liquid and opening my mouth to him to prove that I had. “Good, little witch, maybe next time I'll reward you.” Wait he isnt going to leave me like this is he? “What? but i-!”
“You didn't actually think I'd give you something in return after how you spoke to me?” I went quiet, looking down in shame and frustration as he started to clean himself up. “Like I said you don't deserve it yet, little witch.” This smug ass fucker. The next thing I knew he was gone leaving me desperate and frustrated. This is not at all how I thought this would turn out.
#gn reader#dark smut#dark romance#oc x reader#demon oc#demon x reader#demon x gn reader#nb reader#x reader#paranormal#demon x witch#witch reader#smut#dub con#male x reader#male x gn reader#male demon#deal with the devil#oc#monster smut#monster writing#monster fanfic#monster fucker#divider by cafekitsune
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Wanted to draw them in cute Halloween costumes!!
#Killua is a devil and gon is an angel#alluka is a witch#leorio is a werewolf#kurapika is a vampire#hxh#hunter x hunter#my art#im so happy Halloween season is here
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The King of Hell and Me: Ch 4 - The Contract
Chapter Guide Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Summary: A witch summons Lucifer to earth to make a deal. Warnings: none I can think of? This is a generally sweet, fluffy chapter Word Count: 2.3k
Summoning the devil wasn't part of the plan. A demonic creature, yes, but the actual devil? The book didn't say anything about him. I was expecting to be dealing with an imp or some other kind of lower level Hellion. Someone with the power to do what I wanted, but not to completely fuck me over. Someone who'd take something I could spare. Not my soul.
The devil was also far less intimidating than I expected. He was a little on the short side, and far more human than I might have thought. Aside from the six glorious wings at his back, the least human things about him were his teeth and eyes; red and yellow, swirling with confusion and housing an ancient sorrow that seemed buried just below the surface. An unamused, but surprised look finally landed on me, knelt by the edge of the summoning circle. He made to move toward me, but was held in place by the ring of black salt. With a huff, he leaned back against the barrier, crossing his arms and observing me.
“... No one's summoned me to the mortal world in a long time. … You must be desperate.”
“I … I'll be honest, that wasn't supposed to happen, Sir … the book doesn't say anything about …” I fumbled through the book, rereading the spell. There was nothing to indicate who it called upon.
“Sir?” He chuckled, “well, that’s refreshing. Last time I was pulled into a summoning circle, the wretch had the nerve to call me ‘Dark Prince’ the whole time.”
I chuckled a bit awkwardly. “... Well, that's kind of a mouthful. If you don't mind, I think I'll stick with Mr. Morningstar?”
“Lucifer, please … but how did you know?”
“Aside from the snake and apple motifs you've got going on? You have six, very large, feathered wings. I might not be Christian, but I do know what angels are supposed to look like. … Sir.”
After a moment he let out a bark of a laugh, holding his sides. “Oh golly, you're entertaining! Alright, little witch. Whoever you were trying to summon, you've got me. So what deal were you trying to make?”
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Now or never, I guess. “My best friend is ill, and the doctors have given up hope. …”
“You want to trade your soul for your friend's life?” He smiled gently.
“... Does it have to be my soul?”
A strange look passed over his beautiful face, and he considered me for a moment. “... Maybe we can come to another arrangement. … There is something I can't get in Hell, and you did bring me here.”
I nodded slowly, curious what Lucifer himself could possibly want from earth. “Yes?”
“... Only sinners end up in hell. I … I gave Eve that apple for her own benefit. To help her, and her children. So they could be better, be more … more. Not just animals, consumed by their instincts. But I’ve never seen any good come of it …”
“Oh … well that's not at all fair …” I frowned, looking up at him. “Especially considering how much good there is …’’
He cleared his throat, nodding a bit. “Right, so … if you show me some of that good, I'll heal your friend. Do we have a deal?”
“Huh? N- no, I don't just want my friend healed. I want a cure.”
“... Same thing?”
“No, Sir,-”
“... Lucifer, … the doctors don't know how to help her. Which means they don't know how to help anyone else with this illness either. I want my friend healed, but I also want there to be a cure for everyone else.”
A small smile slid across his lips. “... That amount of power will cost quite a bit more … but something tells me you're more than capable of paying the price.”
A crisp white scroll unfurled from his hand, gold ink scrawling across it before my eyes. I carefully took the paper in my hands, reading it carefully.
“... This says you decide when I've held up my side of the deal. How do I know you'll ever decide to pay up?”
He smirked a bit, sharp teeth glinting in the light. “You're a clever one. … Alright, as a show of good faith, I will heal your friend up front. … You earned that much at least.”
With a wave of his hand, the text changed. I reread the document and nodded. “... Thank you. Ok, where do I sign?”
A white feather quill appeared, and Lucifer took it. He tapped the end to his finger, and pulled away a trail of … liquid gold? He signed the bottom with a flourish, then offered me the quill.
“Touch it to the ring finger of your non-dominant hand, it will draw up a small amount of your blood to sign with.” He tapped the paper where I was to sign.
I nodded, taking the quill, and placed it against my finger like he said. There was a brief, sharp, pain and when I pulled the quill away a trail of red followed. My finger appeared uninjured, but hurt like I had pricked it with a sewing needle. I signed where he indicated, and the summoning circle went up in flames, leaving no trace.
Lucifer smiled brightly, rolling up the scroll before he handed it to me. “Your contract, my lady.”
I took it, standing slowly. “... Thank you …”
He snapped his fingers, creating a crackle of energy throughout the room, and grinned. “There’s my side done, for now. So, how shall we start?��
It took me all afternoon to think on what to start with. While I made tea and thought about it, he entertained himself by looking through my books and movies. His wings disappeared as he sat on my couch, reading the back cover of a book.
“... Is this for entertainment, or documentation?” He held the book up to show me the cover.
“That’s historical fiction, so entertainment based loosely on fact. It's about the wives of Henry the Eighth. … Do you know about them? How much do you know about human history?”
He chuckled. “I do keep apprised of the major headlines up here, but I don't typically bother with anything more. … You derive entertainment out of the suffering of those women?”
I chuckled a bit, setting a teacup in front of him, and sitting on the other side of the couch. “I think most people who read stories about horrible events do so because they don't understand how such things happen. We have a certain … morbid fascination with cruelty. … But I think it's usually also about honoring the dead. … They suffered so horribly, but we remember them. We don't let the bad things that happened to them get swept under the rug.”
He took the tea, watching me. “... I see …. Well, what good is there in that?”
“Ever heard the phrase ‘those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it'?”
“You think remembering their pain will keep it at bay?”
“Something like that … can't avoid pain if you don't know what you're looking out for. Can't protect your loved ones unless you know what you're defending them against.”
He chuckled, sipping his tea. “I see…” He watched me, a curious look on his face. “So, any ideas yet?”
“Well, I was thinking we could start around town. You said it's been a while since you've been on earth?” He nodded, giving me a curious expression. “Then I think we ought to start with a little tour around town, so you can get acclimated. Maybe something will strike your fancy, yeah?”
“... You don't have to do that, you know.” A small frown slid across his face.
“Do what?”
“The tea, taking me on a tour … it's cute, but unnecessary.”
I set my teacup down, raising an eyebrow. “... Cute?”
“Trying to curry favor.” He frowned more.
A sharp laugh ripped out of me, and I covered my mouth. “... I'm sorry. … I'm not trying to ‘curry favor' with you, Lucifer. You're a guest in my home, you should be able to expect some basic hospitality. My grandma always said we should be hospitable to others, cause you never know when it'll make all the difference in their lives.”
He watched me for a moment and chuckled softly. “I don't think your grandmother meant you to be hospitable to the devil, little witch.”
“If my grandma were here right now, she would ask why I haven't set out any cookies. Sadly, I have none to offer you. But I was thinking we could stop for ice cream on our tour. There's a really cute local ice cream parlor, I'd say it definitely counts as something good people have done with free will.”
He blinked slowly. “... You are … not at all what I expected.”
“I could say the same thing about you.”
After a brief moment he smirked, standing up. “Where's this ice cream parlor?”
So I showed Lucifer around my little town. I took him to a playground where he could see happy families together. To a riverbank where my coven picked up litter and people went tubing and swimming. The ice cream parlor, and some other local businesses I liked. I bought him an ice cream cone, and a duck plushie he seemed particularly drawn to. He was hesitant to accept it, but once it was in his hands he held it to his chest, periodically stroking the tuft of fur on its head.
We walked in the sunshine, past schools and libraries. We watched a guitar player in a park, and got tacos from a food truck. And all day, I told him stories of kindness and generosity, big and small. Everything I could think of, from the Christmas truce in World War 1 to my brother's boss giving me free coffees when I pick him up from work. Any act of kindness I had experienced, seen, or heard of became an example of good things that happen because people have free will.
When it started to get late I took him to my favorite place to watch the sunset. He sat beside me, still hugging the duck plushie, and watched the sun dip lower and lower, the sky turning brilliant shades of purple and red.
“So? Any thoughts?” I watched him think for a minute.
“... They're good stories. But there's one problem.”
“What's that?”
“... Most of it wouldn't be necessary if evil weren't so prevalent in the world.”
“... Well, … you can't have good without bad.”
“What?” He frowned, turning to me.
“Without knowing about bad, you wouldn't know about good either. You'd just have … middle. In order to know you like something you have to be able to compare it to something you don't like. Otherwise it would all just be. … Plus, when everything’s going worst is when we notice good things the most. Smaller kindnesses mean more when we're hurting.”
Lucifer looked back at the sunset, thinking. “... Why did you give me the duck?”
I chuckled softly. “You seemed to like it, and I could afford to get it for you. Everyone should get a souvenir when they take a trip.”
“So you weren't trying to get in good with the boss of Hell?”
“... Even though, by making a deal with me, you have condemned your soul to my realm when you die?”
“Anyone who thinks a duck plushie is going to buy them preferential treatment in hell is an idiot.” He gave me a skeptical look at that. “Lucifer, I swear, I only bought it for you because you seemed to like it.”
He thought for a minute, petting it absentmindedly again. “... You've held up your end of the bargain…”
“... But?”
“... When I finish my end, I go home. I can only be on earth for the time it takes to complete a deal. … I … I really enjoyed today.” As it got dark, his body started to glow with faint gold light. He looked up at the silver stars, and in that moment he seemed so sad, so delicate.
“... You know, I am asking for quite a lot … a cure for everyone with this disease, and all you get in return is some examples of kindness and an afternoon running around my town? … Maybe we could rework the contract.”
His eyes went wide as he turned to look at me. “... What did you have in mind?”
“... Well, you're not bad company. And I had a good day today too. We could do it again, if you wanted.”
Lucifer slowly grinned, and the contract was suddenly floating in front of me. An addendum was added to the bottom. Lucifer would send the necessary information to a doctor for the cure tonight, and once a month for the rest of my life, Lucifer would visit me wherever I was on earth. I would tell him more stories that showed what good has come of free will, and show him the good parts of life on earth.
I grinned, taking the quill that floated next to the scroll, and held it to my ring finger. A sharp pain later, I was signing at the bottom. Lucifer signed next to my name, his hand slightly shaking. “Alright … I'll see you again in one month then.”
I nodded. “I'm free on the third, if that works for you?”
He nodded. “The third. It's a date.”
With a snap of his fingers he was gone, and I knew some medical researcher somewhere was having the epiphany that would lead to the cure. In the meantime, I had a date with the devil to plan.
#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#fanfic#fanfiction#hazbin#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin lucifer#lucifer hazbin#lucifer hazbin hotel#lucifer magne#witches#lucifer x reader#lucifer magne x reader#lucifer morningstar#witch reader#summoning circle#dating the devil
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WIP Weekend
It's been a few months since I've done one of these. With the couple spicy events I was participating in concluding, time to come back to WIPs that have been giving me some trouble. Would love a distraction right now, so let's go! Updates
So about that sixth and final chapter of Soaring Symphony...yeah I haven't touched it in a hot minute whoops. I have a general idea of how I want it to go but haven't been able to motivate myself to do it. Hoping to finally get over the hump and start writing it again this weekend
Juggling two different fics set in the Running with the Devil role reversal track star!Eddie and metalhead!Steve universe: -The first is a 4+1 showing how Eddie rose in popularity over time, from the summer before high school to another party his senior year (and is kind of turning into a study on his friendship with Tommy and Carol, having fun with little-annie figuring out where everyone's heads are at during this timeline). -The second picks up right where the first one left off, with Eddie at his wit's end knocking on Steve's door after failing to outrun his gay thoughts.
Rules: Send me an emoji in an ask, and I'll send you 3-5 sentences and/or paragraphs from that WIP!
🐲 Witch and Dragon Steddie Chapter 6
🏃Role reversal 4+1 aka track star eddie character study
👟Role reversal fic "Can We Talk"
Enjoy a snippet from "Can We Talk" below:
“Hey, can we talk?” Eddie asked, unsure of what exactly he was doing on Steve's doorstep. With a nod, Steve let him in. Driving over, Eddie had half-convinced himself the person opening the door would be the towering mocking figure from his dreams. But the Steve who answered his knocks wasn’t wearing his boots; he stared sleepily at Eddie without the need to look down. Stripped of his usual layered outfit and accessories, he looked…vulnerable. Softer maybe, younger too. “I don’t usually deal at home, but I don’t need any neighbors sticking their fucking nose in my business and calling the cops this time of night,” he said, running a hand through his mussed-up hair. Eddie fought the urge to push down the cowlicks as Steve continued to mutter about rude neighbors.
“I’m…not here 'cause of weed.” His nerves finally gave out and he glanced downwards. That was a mistake, because his eyes landed on Steve’s completely bare hands. Oh G-d, he had tan lines on his fingers. Lines that had Eddie swooning like some heroine in those paperback romances Carol was always reading. He needed to stop staring it had been too long, Steve would notice. Maybe if he’d gotten something remotely close to a good night’s sleep anytime in the past month, Eddie might have stopped himself. But as he stared at those fingers, he felt the last threads of his self-control fray and finally snap. He grabbed onto Steve’s wrist and held on for dear life. “Woah, uh Munson, you okay there?” Steve didn’t pull away. “I—just…” He wasn’t letting go. Why wasn’t he letting go? “Eddie?” Steve knelt down, staring up at Eddie with sincere concern. Not a sneer anywhere to be found. Oh G-d, he looked— “Don’t punch me, please.” Eddie whispered. Before he could talk himself out of it, he grabbed Steve’s face and smashed their lips together. The taste of cigarettes and mint flooded his mouth. And for one blissful moment, his mind went completely silent.
No pressure tagging a few people to play too! (And if you see this and didn't get tagged by all means feel free to play too, happy to tag folks in the future :D) @little-annie @runninriot @augustjustice @solarmorrigan @dreamwatch @hairstevington @vthx
#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fanfic#tinawrites#wip weekend#writing game#witch and dragon steddie#role reversal steddie#running with the devil
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Witch!Reader: Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked.
Otis: Oh let's go, let's go, naked witchcraft, baby.
Witch!Reader: glaring at Otis That is because most books on witchcraft are written by men.
Otis: Welp, that was embarrassing.
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @artsycrow46 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
#house of 1000 corpses x reader#house of 1000 corpses#3 from hell x reader#3 from hell#the devils rejects#the devils rejects x reader#otis driftwood x reader#otis x reader#otis driftwood#otis#witch reader
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"Oh, sleep now," oh, she pleads. You're not a coward 'cause you cower, you're brave because they broke you. Yet broken still you breathe - so breathe, breathe, just breathe.
#rio x agatha#agatha x rio#agatha all along#agatha harkness#rio vidal#the amazing devil#the old witch sleep and the good man grace#marvel#kathryn hahn#aubrey plaza#she tired#she sleeps#love me some witches#artists on tumblr
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Devil Flirt | Devil's Swing
Heheheh, a little continuation from my previous gift. Devil Rudi just can't stop being a tease.
I'm glad you loved it! @tmuse-ac @petrixmuserb
I couldn't stop grinning after seeing your reaction! Yes, simping hard did paid off 😂
#rudi x reader#rudi x y/n#rudi x yn#fnaf#fnaf security breach#sundrop#fnaf oc#tmuse-ac#original character#digital doodle#illustration#witch au#devil au#devil#demon#rubberhose#my art#rudi the janitor
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Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 19 - Familiars (Kyoya Ootori)
10/26/2023 - 05/03/2024
Pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader Word Count: 1,516 Warnings: Reader has a lot of familiars, and they include but are not limited to snakes, spiders, birds, puppies, and mosquitos. Gender: AFAB Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover, @purplecandything Notes: This fic is by no means an encouragement for you to go buy a pet (especially of the exotic kind). Please don't see the shenanigans in this fanfic as your sign to go get a snake or something-
"Y/N?" Haruhi called for you.
Fumbling around with the boa on your neck, you call out to your friend from the depths of your room.
Every time Haruhi finds herself a guest of your home, she is reminded that you are, at your core, a damn rich person. Sure, you were also the most down-to-Earth person she knew from Ouran, but who else would be able to afford a glass greenhouse that connects to their already expensive bedroom?
A rich person. That's who.
Haruhi traversed through the small tunnel that lead to the actual greenhouse section of your room. The last time she visited the place, she'd seen you dancing around with mosquitos. Mosquitos.
Curious, but also bewildered by whatever animal she may see this time, Haruhi's mind came to a stop when she saw a snake strangling you.
Terrified, she tried to will herself to pull the snake away from you (without having it attack her in any way) until she heard sprinkles of laughter coming from your direction. You were gently nuzzling the reptile, cooing at how handsome and charming he is, all while allowing said reptile to wrap itself around strangle you.
"Hey Haruhi!" You beamed at her.
"Ummm, Senpai?"
"You have a snake around you."
"That I do~"
If the lack of urgency from your voice didn't show that the snake and you were friends, then your coddling most certainly did. Taking a step backwards, Haruhi watched curiously as you gently untangled the snake from around your neck and placed him on the ground.
You watched Haruhi as she nervously eyed the snake as it seemed to slither in her direction and watched as relief settled into her features when he cut a right and went about his way. The relief only lasted a few seconds though. "Y/N?"
"There are more snakes in your room."
"Ummm, yeah?"
"And they're not in aquariums-"
This confused you quite a bit. Why would they be in aquariums? They're terrestrial snakes. Even if they could go into water, they weren't meant to constantly be swimming in water (unlike sea snakes).
"What do you mean aquariums?" You asked Haruhi.
"You know, like the glass boxes that they put reptiles in? I saw a video of someone who had an iguana in one of those aquariums." Haruhi explained, still keeping an eye on the snakes.
Suddenly, it dawned on you.
"Haru, those aren't aquariums. The 'glass boxes' you're talking about are called different things depending on what you put in them. The ones that hold reptiles and other animal life are called vivariums." You clarified. "Besides, they're happier like this, free to roam inside the greenhouse as much as they want."
Nodding her head, Haruhi ignored your typical habit of speaking as though the animals were people themselves and asked, "so what'd you call me over for?"
"Oh right, thanks for reminding me!" You exclaimed, scurrying over to the other side of the greenhouse. Haruhi could see you reaching inside of a pet cage, which usually would be used to carry animals like cats, but knowing you, it could literally be anything inside that plastic cage. Haruhi craned her neck a little bit to observe your actions, heart nearly slowing to a still to see what freak of nature you were going to pull out of the magical cage.
So it was a cat-
You pulled the adorable tabby close to your bosom, your calming aura immediately relaxing the paranoid creature. Walking over to Haruhi, you introduced the cat. "This is Aki." You stroked the cat's head starting from its forehead, and Haruhi watched as the cat fell impossibly deeper into sleep. "I found him on the road a couple of days ago, and as much as I want to take care of him, I'm kinda running out of space here." You say sheepishly.
As though on cue, the parrots started screeching from all over the greenhouse, causing Haruhi to look around in fright.
"I'm going to be sending Aki to a shelter, but the shelter I contacted is also currently full." Mournfully, you continued your story, all while gently rocking the feline in your arms. "Until then, I need someone to take care of him for me, because I don't think I can take care of him myself."
Well that was a little shocking. You of all people couldn't take care of a mere cat? Why you had parrots, cockroaches, and snakes, and you couldn't handle a cat? Haruhi figured there was another reason, but didn't bother asking for it.
"Do you want me to take care of Aki for you?" Haruhi asked.
"That's exactly what I was going to ask! If you don't mind, could you take care of him for a few days? Just until next Thursday, I promise. I'll give you everything you need, so you don't have to worry about a single thing."
Well, if was just for a few days, she'd be able to manage. She was sure that her father wouldn't mind (he got along great with you).
"Sure, why not?"
"Ahhhhh, you're the best Haru~"
It had been a few hours since then, and you were awaiting your next visitor. In the mean time, a capybara snorted running around without a care in the world. The sight put a smile on your face, content blooming in your heart.
Knock knock.
Jumping up, you sprinted to your door, and peeked through the window near it.
Finally, he's here.
You pulled the door back with such a fury that a miniscule shred of surprise appeared on Kyoya's face before disappearing as quickly as it came. Pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, you pulled him into your greenhouse (mindful to close the door behind you).
"Haruhi came by earlier." You started a conversation.
"I assume that Aki has been adopted then?" Kyoya asked.
"Give her until next Thursday. She's not gonna want to send Aki to the shelter after all that quality time~"
If there was one thing people should never underestimate about you, it would be your motives. There was almost never a definitive reason for what you were doing until the reason was revealed. Your latest scheme involved finding a lonely cat a loving home.
"And how's Mr. Cuddles?" Kyoya asked, looking around the greenhouse.
"Right here" said a familiar snake as he hung down from a branch above Kyoya's head. He looked up and smiled at the boa. Mr. Cuddles slowly slunk down onto Kyoya's shoulder and wrapped himself loosely around his figure. Kyoya allowed this, enjoying the snake's presence.
"You know, it's funny how well the two of you get along now." You say, arms crossed.
"Jealous?" Kyoya and Mr. Cuddles as at the same time.
Scoffing, you turn on your heel and walk away to some other creature that would cuddle you the way Mr. Cuddles was cuddling your boyfriend.
As they watched your figure walk away, Kyoya and Mr. Cuddles faced each other, chuckling to themselves as they shook their heads at your antics.
Mimi the capybara waited for you to sit down on your chaise before jumping into your adoring arms. Squealing in glee, she nestled deep into your embrace as you hugged her tight. You watched as your boyfriend and his new best friend sat down on the chaise opposite to you and felt a gust of wind before feeling a weight on top of your head.
The head that peeked down to look at your face (albeit upside-down) belonged to Marisol - a sun conure.
"You thought that old cuddles hated you." Marisol squawked, laughing to herself.
"In Kyo's defense, he didn't know that we're familiars." Cuddles responded.
"Kyo?" You parroted. "Since when were you on nickname basis with my boyfriend?"
Your animals (and boyfriend) laughed at the pout that adorned your face. Mimi jumped off, jumping into the lap of your boyfriend instead, and the look of betrayal on your face made everyone laugh even more.
"I didn't know at the time that Cuddles was fond of me, but had I known, I would befriended him much sooner," Kyoya said, adding more salt to the already festering wound.
"Yeah, yeah, you're all just such great friends. We get it-" You say, annoyed. Marisol, the lovely thing didn't say a word as you sat petulantly.
As fun as it was to tease you, Kyoya loved you the most. No matter how many friends he had, and no matter how close he was with them, they didn't compare to you (except for maybe Tamaki). Having teased you enough (for now), he called your name.
"Y/N?" You finally looked at him.
"Come here."
Cuddles adjusted his position and Kyoya lifted Mimi for a bit, a silent gesture for you to cuddle with him. Smiling, you do go to him, Marisol still sitting on your head and cuddle with your favorite beings in the whole world.
Eventually, some of the other familiars also joined the cuddle pile, while the others watched from a distance.
All was right in the world.
Author's Note: I know that I said that the Hauntober event is currently under hiatus, but when random bursts of creativity occur, one does not simply not do anything about it-
Now, I actually really enjoyed writing this fic, because I'm an absolute sucker for animals. I've always wondered why characters only have like one familiar. Why not two? Why not ten? Why not as many as you want? So, to placate that, I made this. I had a particular idea as to how I wanted this to go, but it took a few detours.
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
#hauntober#vera's hauntober 2023#ouran high school host club#ouran host club#ouran#ouran hshc#ohshc#haruhi fujioka#kyoya ootori#ootori kyoya#kyoya ootori x reader#kyoya x reader#familiars#cats#dogs#snakes#animals#witchy#witch#fluff#crack#cute#fun#shenanigans#reader#y/n#you#2024#vera deville#the marchioness
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